Musings of a Missed Soul and First GPQ

So we did our first Guild PQ today. Not everyone was on earlier (Only me, Jose, Steve and eventually Naddy) but when 6 got on we just went right away! Although it took us all a long time to figure out how to do the 1st stage after earrings, it was worth the 15 GPQ (not really, but sh!)

We invited two people to the guild to participate in the PQ with us. PoisonLily and NiteRAID. It turns out they were both hackers so we automatically just left and expelled them. That was it for the GPQ. read more

clay+sink=bad :(

me and my friends were working on a clayamation(clay animation) for a school project.We finished it, and i was playing around with a piece of clay.i threw it up in the air,and it landed in his sink.Being the stupid person i am,i reached down the hole to grab friend andrew barely stopped me from losing my hand in the sink-disposal-grinder my friend has a piece of clay in his pipes and his parents dont know…. read more

My life – Entry 7

Dear diary ,

The events in which happened forced me to be unable to write in my dairy for eigth days . In that eigth days , a lot happened . I think I am crazy but , then I remember the message from the phone . The person signed the name off as Thera . Before I tell you what I know , these were the events that happened to me .

24 . 2 . 07
I awoke in the morning feelings werid . I thought it was morning . But the sky , it was dark with twinking stars . I gazed at it . Then I went back to sleep . read more

Polite my foot!

So I was at FoG and this Assassin comes and we start sharing the map. After an hour or so, a Dragon Knight, Fire Mage, and Priest comes and starts KSing us. Well I didn’t say anything but the Assassin tells them to change channels and the Fire Mage says they’ve been there longer which is pretty bizzare considering that she’s only been there for five minutes. So he tells the Dragon Knight to change channels and he says he’ll only change if his party changes channels. The Assassin then goes back and asks the Fire Mage again. She tells him to “stfu” and that she’s trying to be polite to him. He apologizes and asks one last time and she starts blurting out pretty bad things. Well, she wasn’t really being polite after I told her to cut the guy some slack. She told me to “stfu” and leave. I didn’t respond and well I just kept doing my own thing and soon she died. I laughed knowing that karma hit her pretty hard. read more


The road to sixty.

Yays, procrastination.


When I opened up Flyff more than a month ago, I had assumed I would just try it out again, restarting on the Lawolf server to talk to MMOTales people such as Lamvao; later, I might grow bored again and escape to play different games. Flyff, however, had different thoughts. With a “too bad, lol!” it dragged me fully into the game, employing the help of fellow conspirators CatLazersMewPew, cathrein, Chaoticx, Binseon, Rynder, and elephants. read more

Im back after all this time!

Yep im back after being grounded for a few months T.T

Its good to be back. Not so good to have all your friends over lvl 100+ when they where 20 lvls under then you before >.> lol

And mmotales now that im back Ill Do more random crap like all my other blogs =X

I wonder if anyone here is from back when i was still playing Y.Y dose anyone remember me? ;^.^) read more


I’ve heard fly eyes are usually very good experience for a 40-5X sin to train on, so I decided to take the boat from Ludi ( I was pqing there ) to Orbis. As the ship was flying, or whatever you would call a train that floats, I made myself some toast and cereal and had breakfast. Refreshed and rejuvenated I spammed “Buying orbis tower scroll” for about a minute and got someone to sell me a scroll for 50k. I remember when the scrolls were only like 10k, those were the days. I walked through aqua road, used darksight to get passed the sharks. What sucks is, the magic attack from the sharks will hit me even in dark sight, so I just have to be lucky and hope no one happens to be attacking them as I pass through. I get to the flyeyes’ cave and throw away. As a funded level 47 Sin with awesome equips and stars, I could one hit them about 3/5 shots, which is decent. I was able to get about 11% in 20 minutes or so which is damn good. Although, I got tired quickly it seemed I wasted a lot of potions but I’m not sure. I had some more toast, decided to browse basil a bit. Wrote this, and then I’m going to play a bit more of Nexon’s new game Audition. My ign is “Style” which I found wasn’t taken as I entered it in, to much of my amusement. I pretty much win 3/4 games and kick ass with “Style”. Too bad there’s quite a lot of errors that disrupt the gameplay.
=[ read more

i almost forgot >.>

i also got on my bellocan girl for awhile and went to pig beach to lvl her. i was there for about 5 mins when this guy came. we started talkin and he was funny i was about to buddy him when he started hackking…now i have nothing against hackers (besides their blatant cheating[actually some of my best friends are hackers -.-]) but this guy acted like i was STUPID AS H#$%!!!
he went like wow lookit me im lagging..
I SWEAR i was thinking
“does he really think im that f$%&ing stupid??”
maybe it was because i was so tired but it immediatley p%$#ed me off.
but i played along and went like
“wow how cool”
he said yea isnt it a cool lagg?
w/e u *bleeps out many obcenities*
for some reason it made me extremely mad >.>
o well….. read more

Andy McSplosion and his escapades.

So I got tired of Dilamino, My Dex Mercenary. (An equal of a MS Bandit) And xStrife (An equal of a MS Bowman) because of the speed.

Its not too slow, and its not too hard…
Watching Dilamino hit 500’s really really fast isn’t very fun. Infact, with a Level 30 Assist healing me, I can just attack a giant, go afk for a soda, and be back with half the giant’s health drained. read more