Andy McSplosion and his escapades.

So I got tired of Dilamino, My Dex Mercenary. (An equal of a MS Bandit) And xStrife (An equal of a MS Bowman) because of the speed.

Its not too slow, and its not too hard…
Watching Dilamino hit 500’s really really fast isn’t very fun. Infact, with a Level 30 Assist healing me, I can just attack a giant, go afk for a soda, and be back with half the giant’s health drained.

Now that sucks.

And for xStrife, its too easy. It actually makes me feel a bit guilty, OHKOing monsters 12 levels above me.

So what should I do?


I’m becoming really indecisive about characters, ive always been like that, I just cant help it. I think every part of us wants to have the fun of trying new things with the feeling of accomplishment.

So I asked Lammy to explain YoYo jesters to me, from what I heard, they sounded…different.

I’m not sure why I picked Yo-Yo Jesters at all.

Maybe because YoYoing is my biggest hobby in real life, or it may be because I tried to use a Yo-Yo once at a giant, and with 72 dex or so, it was…great.
And they look sexy.

Everyone loves Sexy.

Except good ol’ Pat Robertson.

So I looked around for YoYo equipment. Believe me, when you pay attention to the prices in the market, you can really see how Bowjesters influenced FlyFF economy.
Damn you Bowjesters.

Seriously, The trend in people who want to be Yo-Yo jesters is pretty disgusting.

They train as BowJesters till level 70, then reskill and restat.

Im like:

If you don’t have the patience to level with YoYo’s, don’t try to make a character that uses them.


So I spent a few minutes searching for a name, till I came up with “Details”
I like it.
Some people think its corny.
But I think its pretty cute.

I also built up 2 Million or so For a Guild.
I plan on Making it called “Realize”
If any Literate kids here want to join it, you can just add me in game.

Its probably going to be a literate wh0re guild with me and a few friends.

With an L.

On another note, I looked at some jester guides. They didn’t monopolize on the Dex of a YoYo Jester.
“92 Dex Cap”

Screw that.

Im going for 125, that Plus Critical Swing will give me a 90% Crit rate at level 70, when I get enough points to really get it that high, with enough Strength to support it..

If I get a Crusier and some Strentes, I’ll be hitting close to 3000 while Knockbacking at like 75% Attack speed.

Which is awesome.

When I trained my noob, I talked to the hawtest person ever.
She gave me ALOT of advice on Yo-Yo Jester training.
Cheer her when you see her around, will you? >:D

At level 7, I met the love of my life.

Andy McSplosion.

Really the job change monster, but whatever.

I killed him and took his ebil powers, making me Andy McSplosion.
i alsplode on u noob.


Yeah, I made it to 15 in about an hour and a half, and changed classes.

Going my almost pure dex build really made my Yo-Yo Damage suck. 100 with a +3 Green.
I like it. >:D

So anyway, on my Second day of training him, I went from level 17 to level 23.

I plan on training him some more when the servers are back up.

Damn Gpotato bashtards.

2 thoughts on “Andy McSplosion and his escapades.”

  1. Ink said: “Its confirmed.

    No one cares.



    This makes me consider re-joining FLYFF .

    I quit after being killed by MushPangs .

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