
The road to sixty.

Yays, procrastination.


When I opened up Flyff more than a month ago, I had assumed I would just try it out again, restarting on the Lawolf server to talk to MMOTales people such as Lamvao; later, I might grow bored again and escape to play different games. Flyff, however, had different thoughts. With a “too bad, lol!” it dragged me fully into the game, employing the help of fellow conspirators CatLazersMewPew, cathrein, Chaoticx, Binseon, Rynder, and elephants.

Yes, elephants. My previous blogs about Flyff may have covered my first thirty or so levels, but they lack of depth and elephants and dialogue and pictures and elephants.

I don’t think they have elephants in them, either.

Chaoticx: Allen, are you going [Elementor] or [Psychiper]?
Iepiat: Ele.
Rynder: Eww, ele lag 😡
Rynder: Fire breathing elephant.
Iepiat: D:

See? I’m not totally crazy. Anyway:

Level 6: Sunday, Jan 14

This, a pitiful scene of a vagrant beating up on a beetle, is the first screenshot I took. My mind filled with relief when I realized that the inane /shouts of the Lawolf populace could be filtered out of my chatbox. Well, actually, it was more like “HAH! LOSERS, CAN’T REACH ME NOW!!!!!”.

Same thing.


Iepiat: Why is this Bang thingy [level 20 monster] different from the others?
Binseon: Hmm?
Iepiat: Well, its name is displayed in red.
Binseon: Oh, that.
Iepiat: …
Iepiat: Nevermind.
Iepiat: What’s the difference between lodestar and lodelight?


I had forgotten how to play the game. I was also dead. Not a very good combination, I must point out.

Prone, I glared at the ‘aggro’ Bang that had killed me; it scratched its legs, stretched its arms, and wandered away. I jogged all the way back from town to challenge it to an honorable bout of fisticuffs; it scratched its legs, stretched its arms, and bashed my head in. I screamed curses and insults at its cowardly back; it scratched its legs, stretched its arms, and got pwned to the next dimension by a magician’s Spike Stone skill.

An hour later, I was completing my magician job advancement.

Level 25: Monday, Jan 15

Yes, I know that’s the day after.


Right after I leveled to twenty-five, I gained five more spells, this being the blessed v6. Testing out my new lightning attack, I saw that I dealt more damage than Dilamino. This new fact slightly amused me, for my friend had power-leveled me the last eighty percent. If I had tried attacking one of the bulls before, would I have done near his damage? I promised myself that I would never again accept a powerlevel – I wouldn’t need one.

Level 44: Sunday, Jan 21

Some time during the week, I had caught wind of the comings of “v7”, “version seven”, “the apocalypse”. I drew from the forums that full-support assists and elementors would be the most affected by the new skill system included in this patch.

That, doubtlessly, would include me. I was determined to hit sixty, becoming an elementor, before the patch blew in February first.

The screenshot does not, in fact, show me leveling up. The person leveling in that picture is DoctorBattery, who I first met on his ranger, CatLazersMewPew. (I had waited a while so he could level his assist enough to get experience from my kills.) He continued healing me for the next few levels…

Level 50: Thursday, Jan 25

I still didn’t train much on the weekdays, but I tried to train efficiently during the weekends. I made sure to chat as much as possible with my guildmates, <insert generic feel-good statement about friendships here>.

Chaoticx: [Dang].
Chaoticx: I died.
Orichalcum: oh noes
Orichalcum: our benevolent leader has died.
Rynder: You spelled “malevolent” wrong.
Iepiat: No, he… oh…

Level 55: Saturday, Jan 27

Huh, the final strides towards sixty. I found myself a terrific contribution party that Saturday, meaning the other members actually killed monsters (OMG?). We trained well over three hours that evening, on elderguards and eventually garbagespiders. There really isn’t much to say; this is when I finally began to feel the grind, since I basically just trained my arse off that night.

It was interesting, though. Five of the eight party members spoke nothing but Dutch.

Level 60: Tuesday, Jan 30, 11:59:10 PM

Sixty! At fifty seconds to the hour, I might add. Since it was relatively late, not many guild members were on. I decided to do the advancement the next day. Only a magical box and a guardian thing [3] stood between me and my new elementor status.

That box sucked.

I had to play paper-scissors-rock with it for a good twenty minutes. The objective? Win twelve times. Take a moment to think about this. I have, theoretically, a one out of three chance of winning a game against the computer, since the game may end in a loss, a tie, or a win. One game takes about seven to eight seconds to click through.


The guardian monster, on the other hand, I deemed pathetic. It never once got me under 50% of my health. ^_^ The box and the guardian defeated, I flew to my job changer person, the last NPC in the quest.


After over two weeks, I had become an elementor, with a fancy hat in the message window to prove it. Not only that, but I had five flashy new skills to fool about with. By fool around with, of course, I mean frantically raise as high as I could before the servers disconnected me for the patch. All of my new skills were past level three when it did. [5]

Closing the game, I could only wait and see.


First screenshot: A sneakily taken picture of Rynder, wearing his awesome yukata thingy.

Second screenshot: Something about cathrein and drugs. It was funny at the time. >_>

11 thoughts on “ELEphant.”

  1. I wish I could be level 60. D:
    Does it get really hard to train at that level?
    I hope it doesn’t; I really don’t have the patience. >.>


  2. Iepiat is awesome.
    He gave me his Crusier set. :3

    Allen, you really should get on more often, or train that mule of yours.

    I need your company, especially since Yo-Yo’s are possibly the weakest Melee weapons of FlyFF.


  3. Yeah, and he levels entirely too quickl-

    I mean, Hi Iepiat! *glomps* Spiffy experience blog, as always. ^^
    But where are the elephants at the end of the blog? D: I was hoping to feed them some peanuts.

  4. I cheer for you, Ele-ness and Ele-phants. Which are cute, but entirely too disturbing.

  5. Pshh, the elephants that exist in my fantasy land are infinitely cool and do not require peanuts, though they are certainly appreciated.

    And wow, I had no idea there was a rollback. I’ve been too busy to play any games these past few days.

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