COMIC! Not really

We interrupt nothing to bring you this not-so-special news broadcast.

Today my HP warrior got to 49% Tyvm guosim

The SS is of my Maple glitching again, after I was wandering around The Forest of Wisdom. Only thing is, its a good thing this time

And on my wizard, I bought a Blue Pennance for only 90k

Someone randomly asked to be her bf O_o;; (hahahayley) (Ask 1braindead1 for proof)

Ehh, not that much else to say. Other than that Maple hates me. read more

I know I loved you…

I know I love you…

Because ~

Everytime I see your IGN flash across my screen I smile.
my heart poundig, like I ran many miles.

I see you whisper my name,
making me feel like a girl,
without guilt or shame.

Everytime I hear you laugh,
you make my story seem clear,
like a bright path.

I look into your eyes,
hoping time would slow down,
instead of going by and by. read more

The Chaos behind Alfonse Green – Update

I noticed that lots of people actually read my blog, and liked it as well. I also enjoyed the comments that were left. Thanks for offering help aswell. =)

Oooh! The quest continues! Yay! <.< >.> Right then. Well, I managed to get throught the horror that is gathering Dark Nependeath Seeds (Which they have a TERRIBLE map), I took the boat to Victoria and got the next part. Good thing I gathered lots of Sap of Ancient Tree while I trained at Fire Boars (Level 35-40), because I didn’t want to spend 3 mill on JUST them. I had 6 Pig’s Heads on another character, and bought the other 4 for 10k each (XD). The Lupin Bananas had to be gathered myself. By the way, I hate the Monkey Forest now. I don’t see why these clerics think that it belongs to them. I would gladly be somewhere else if there was anywhere better. Not only was I being KSed (Which, by the way, didn’t work very well. Poor MCing Clerics.) but I was being insulted. I am considering never returning there now. read more

My BannedStory Characters

I’ve provided the code for those of you with the Simulator and Pictures for those of you who don’t. I will be updating this blog.

The GM
<file><body><e a=”1″ b=”1″ g=”1″ r=”1″ hurl=”Character/00012000″ burl=”Character/00002000″ /></body><item><e type=”Hat” url=”Character/Cap/01002140″ icon=”info.icon.png” /><e type=”Top” url=”Character/Coat/01042003″ icon=”info.icon.png” /><e type=”Gloves” url=”Character/Glove/01082002″ icon=”info.icon.png” /><e type=”Bottom” url=”Character/Pants/01062007″ icon=”info.icon.png” /><e type=”Shoes” url=”Character/Shoes/01071011″ icon=”info.icon.png” /><e type=”Weapon – One Handed Mace” url=”Character/Weapon/01322013″ icon=”info.icon.png” /></item><face><e type=”face” url=”Character/Face/00020005″ icon=”blink.0.face.png” /></face><hair><e a=”1″ b=”1″ g=”1″ r=”1″ type=”hair” url=”Character/Hair/00030050″ icon=”default.hairOverHead.png” /></hair><pet><e url=”Item/Pet/5000012″ /></pet></file> read more

MaskOfSmak, RIP.

Sometimes, there are some things you don’t know that you miss till they’re gone.

I suppose pouring out my heart to the general public like this is dangerous to my feelings, but that’s alright. I believe this is more than another boring population statistic, but rather a close community of friends. Anyway, I’ll continue on.

Long ago, long long ago, I wrote a blog, telling you all about my lovely guild. How we came to be, so long ago, one big group of friends forming a close-knit guild mere days after they came out. The MaskOfSmak, or MoS for short, was named for the initials of the original four’s names (Mipsacri/Arcel/Shmooki/KitsuneAyame). For the longest time, well over a year, these were my best friends, my guild mates, the people I turned to talk to! We grew and grew, till we had the max amount of members, and I knew most all of them fairly well. read more

Something, no title can describe.

Today is a sad sad day.

I just realised… how much I actually love my whole guild. My guildmate, a leader of another wing, passed away, in real life. Though we were not closed, I’m still sobbing. It makes me wonder about life. She was so young, she had a bright future ahead of her. She was very lovable.

I read a blog about a mapler passing away. I was an a-hole and didn’t give a d@mn at all. Now I know what it feels like, to lose a friend. Even if not in rl, even if we never met, even if I never really knew her, it’s really sad =*(. (That’s not meant to be a poem cause if I wasn’t emoing, I would criticize myself for lack of literacy devices) read more

[POEM]What Is Love In Life

This is a rapid poem before I go to sleep. [EDITED]

2nd one I ever tried.

Based on Jenny’s style (AKA esteleonin, or VanillaPocki, btw, gratz on 70 ^^;;) <–MMO PART OF THE BLOG, FTW!

-Love, throughout the colors-

Withering leaves, falling down, falling, falling..
Hundreds of snowflakes, drifting down, drifting, drifting..
April comes and the flowers are blooming gracefully, blooming, blooming..
Tasteful rain is pattering down, pattering, pattering… read more

[FANFIC]The Arrow


Hello again, itÂ’s the next part of my fan-fiction (story) on MapleStory.
Of course there are a few things that you need to know first, also in the previous blogs, there were explanations.
Here are a few links:
The Beginning
Explanation to Maurea

Those two were prologues really.
But I guess that most people are too lazy to move the mouse over to the link and click on it so… I put a short description here for you! It may not be as descriptive, but if you want to read the story directly, just use these as references. read more