merry christmas to everyone!

i wish u all a merry christmas
christmas is near, and december is the month of tree decoration
it will snow soon
it will….

anyways, i was decorating a christmas tree to basilmarket (pic 1) and a guild in guildfire (pic 2)
in pic 3, there was an extra layer at the christmas tree
any1 tried going on the extra layer b4? read more

Sayonara, MMO

Well, people it’s been a fun month since I joined this place. But now the self-professed gaming nutcase is leaving for conscription and he aint sure when he be coming back, just that he IS, eventually. If National Service doesnt kill him that is *shivers*

Had fun terrorising you lot with my idiot humour and random logic, and trying to convince certain fanfiction authors their new chapters were nowhere as bad as their self-doubt coerced em to think. read more

Stupid event.

Nexon’s contests are stupid.
I spent ALOT of time gathering M and S, and ended up buying S.
I run with wet pants toward the Maple Lady and gave her the damn letters.

What do I get in return?
“Thank you. Please check to see if you’re a winner after the event.”


Thats lame.

And now, the event is over, new event stuff is posted… what happens? read more

The Viper Strikes Next: Chapter 1

-=Welcome To Maple Island=-

Maple Island, a place known for humble beginnings, stood alone on a vast sea. The island itself showed itself as a bright, beautiful, and fairly welcoming environment, covered almost entirely in vast grassland. Numerous types of plant life bloomed everywhere as well, from small shrubs to large palm trees. The land itself was fairly hilly and uneven, a few parts with very large gaps in elevation. The sun in the sky shone brightly, sending a warm and well-feeling light upon the entire island. This was the place where new potential Maple World adventurers made their start. One adventurer in particular was no different. read more

Amoria, HappyVille, Christmas! MS style!

Hi MMOers, XD

The start of Amoria begins today! =D

Well, this is about my maple day, SSes included.
So it started out with wonderful encounter. =D

I was on the ship to Orbis, hoping that Amoria could be accessed over there, when suddenly a message popped out of nowhere. “lilxmageb0i and ic3queen are getting married at channel 16ยจ I couldn’t believe my eyes, already, people were getting married?!
O.o;; read more

Ok… wtf?

OK. So I can’t log on to play Maple b/c it says theyre going through a server check. Well i go to the internet and see that it will be over at 2 pm. Well now its 2:16 and I still can’t log on! I keep trying and it says ‘GameGuard is already rimmomg’ (yes it did say rimmomg… I think it should be running -_-) so right now I’m pissed and I really wanna get on b/c I wanna play the new patch. Anybody else having this problem? read more

Banfest, Upgrading Bonanza, & Failur

Two days ago, I became shiny.
Well, shinier than usual.
I upgraded +9 to +10. I now glow more >D

Then, yesterday, I logged onto Flyff after coming onto work only to be messaged with:




Apparently, a large amount of people had been banned (temporarily) due to the recent penya hacked.
Of course, a lot of them were soon unbanned and back to normal, but man were they MAD. >D
So, there were a whole group of them in Darkon on their alternates and such, discussing the matter.
I just went shopping read more

Bleh, I do not feel good today.

Agh, I hate it! Tons of barfing, problems with my “septic tank” (please don’t ask about that, you don’t want to know), and a headache that has been decking me all day.

All of this came about 1 this morning.

It all rides upon me even as I type. Man, I hate it.

I’m gonna try and have my next fanfic installmemt up later, but I’m not guaranteeing anything. Gah, this headache is killing me. read more