Amoria, HappyVille, Christmas! MS style!

Hi MMOers, XD

The start of Amoria begins today! =D

Well, this is about my maple day, SSes included.
So it started out with wonderful encounter. =D

I was on the ship to Orbis, hoping that Amoria could be accessed over there, when suddenly a message popped out of nowhere. “lilxmageb0i and ic3queen are getting married at channel 16¨ I couldn’t believe my eyes, already, people were getting married?!

So, I typed “Does anyone want to marry me? Lawl. XD¨ As clueless as ever, I wandered around the ship. When suddenly, a trade pops out. I accepted. And I saw that it was a level 103 DK that traded me.

*A mini-convo, sorry I don’t have SSes T_T*

DK: Hey, wanna be my GF?
Me: Umm.. I barely know you. o.o;;
DK: Well you can start now! Wanna get married later?
Me: Bu..but I have no NX. . . >_<
DK: No worries, I will soon. =D
Me: (I was really nervous now, I had a good chance at a good online bf, the little voice in my head told me, just say yes!) Umm..
DK: Well?
Me: (The little voice shouts: say yes! Say yes! I gave in, and typed the words: ) yes.. but don’t you have another GF or something?
DK: Well.. my relationship is going really bad with her.. I’m planning to move on soon.
Me: Oh.. that’s sad really. But I’ll accept the offer. =)
DK: Yay! What’s your name?
Me: Ah.. Anastasia >_<. You?
DK: John, lol that¡¦s a nice name.
Me: Thanks XD
DK: Ok well, I’m off to research Balrogs =D.
Me: Okies, see ya!
DK: *Buddy Invites*
Me: *Accepts*

And away we go, along our own paths. =)
So I met a DK and became his GF in about 5 minute¡¦s time. O.o, how weird.. (By the way, his IGN was “XXDKXD” or something like that o.o”

Anyways, after I got to Orbis. Sadly found out that Amoria wasn¡¦t there.. Move on to Ludibrium! =D

*17 Minutes of waiting on the laggy train, dropping 10k bags for the holidays*

Me: Yay! Amoria here I come!

Much to my disappointment; Amoria wasn’t there. -_________________________-
I asked my new bf, can you please tell me where’s Amoria? <333
He replied simply: Henesys.
Rain started pouring on my hair. So you can imagine that I was in a bad mood. ._.;;

*30 Minutes later*

Me: Whee! Back in Henesys.
*Goes to Amoria channel 1.*
*Lags Out*
Me: -_- (Now thunder was flashing across my room)
*Logs in again, channel 1*
*Blank screen*
*30 seconds later, still blank screen*
Types: Whee! I’m in Amo-
*Looks at screen*
*Army of aliens*

(My whole room was about half full of water now, I was practically swimming and playing at the same time.)

Why.. me..?

But then my Mapling experience improved. =D
I respawned in Henesys, then CCed =D

Then, my friend came on. We then took some SSes.
Amoria was pretty fun, although laggy sometimes. XD
Went into Happyville too. ƒº Decorated my Christmas Tree. Sadly, I couldn¡¦t spend too much time on it, since my dad told me to get off the computer. XD

Well, that was my maple day. ~_<
Happy Mapling! Click likeys if you did like this blog XD

(P.S. Last SS shows the megpahones that people wastes..)

6 thoughts on “Amoria, HappyVille, Christmas! MS style!”

  1. Don’t worry.

    Once you get used to everything. . .
    It will be fun :]

    Happyville is the one thing that got me HOOKED to MS last year and let me appreciate Maple Story and my friends.
    Good luck with your new boyfriend ; I guess.

  2. i never got what happyville was all about >.>
    the name was corny enuff for me to not go there until the event almost ended
    but i never noticed much i was in a hurry to level or something, maybe ill pay more attention since i have to do stupid quests >=(

  3. It happens all the time, the lightning courtship. It’s like

    Boy: can u b my gf?
    Girl: okay
    Boy: let me kiss you. muakz.

    *shudders* It’s Wizet’s evil plan to take over the world, the marriage system. XD

  4. Is it true that you can get divorced? o_O This legal stuff in Maple is getting serious! By next year, half the people who play will be qualified as lawyers or something! It’s amazing how quickly I can go off topic. =D

  5. it goes to show how a relationships are formed in less than a minute.
    Well, thats for you.

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