Good and Bad Mapling

Here is an overview of my Mapling journey the last few days.

I got to level 41 the other day and I finally maxed Critical Throw. Only one more level until I get my first points in Claw Booster. It’s really just a speed boost for throwing but it’s nice to get new skills. But the skill I really want is Haste. I feel like a slug compared to those level 50+ sins. read more

A maple halloween party :D

Guild: Redemtion
Other People: Just well known Channel 1 henesys people and friends
Server: Scania
Event: Halloween Event >:]!!!!! YAY!!! KS wars, costume party, and find the jrmaster’s and the master of the guild redemtion for 50k or 50k+ of items!!!
Screenies are from the KS wars. 😀

Sick :-/

Hey, guys. Guess what? I’m sick. You know what that means? No story over the weekend. I apologize, but if I wrote a chapter, it wouldn’t measure up to my standards.

Anyways, to keep this MMO related, I got my dit to 37! That means a 4 hit savage blow. I played on him because my friend got back into MS and he has a 3x cleric so I figured I’d play with him on my dit. Despite the boringness of training him, I’ve promised myself that I’m going to keep at it till I get him to 40 and a six hit savage blow before switching back to my dexless sin. Oh, that reminds me, anyone got a 34+ attack kandayo for sale? read more

Tales of a Lost World 20

Episode 20 Red Eyes of Fire

In a land emptied of all but oblivion and a feeling of desolation, a single man stands at the peak of a ruined hill with a large burden upon his back.

As a cloud shifts in the sky, a beam of moonlight falls upon his visage, revealing the darkened features of a Ranger known as Arayu.

Arayu lays down the burden strapped to his back wearily, and allows it to lie at rest beside him. He squats down as well, and takes a rest. From within his pockets Arayu takes a few tiny, brown warrior pills, chewing them silently as a supplement for rejuvenating his energy. read more


Sorry I haven’t blogged for so long.. in fact, I’ve hardly been on MMOT… If it wasn’t for the great stories i would have quitted.. =(

My first time at Sotong map 2!!~ Its better than map 1 because there’s more purple sotongs..

Party – AkikoAkiko
Had a great time~ 23% <4 hrs> read more

maplers and their naruto names

why do people make their names like that? it sounds stupid, and makes people think your retarted. i seen many rogues running around with these names ( aznxnaruto343556, aznsaskay34344 , kakashi224 , naruto989x, ETc )
why cant they just make plain and simple names? like lolman or lookatthis. seeing narutards with their screwed up names makes me wanna sack them. {puts on flame proof armor} GO AHEAD AND FLAME ME IF YOU WANT I DONT CARE!!!!1111 btw cookies taste good with whip cream xD read more

111 million mesos!


kk, well i made 111 mil and im giving away 500k for the first 10 people from MMO to meet up with me in Khaini. Btw DisneyLand was the smecksiest. I also met up with ItzHealer (person who scammed JesusFreak a while back), we had a nice chat and in the end i got defamed. XD Uhhh, I would type better but I already typed this 3 times… read more