maplers and their naruto names

why do people make their names like that? it sounds stupid, and makes people think your retarted. i seen many rogues running around with these names ( aznxnaruto343556, aznsaskay34344 , kakashi224 , naruto989x, ETc )
why cant they just make plain and simple names? like lolman or lookatthis. seeing narutards with their screwed up names makes me wanna sack them. {puts on flame proof armor} GO AHEAD AND FLAME ME IF YOU WANT I DONT CARE!!!!1111 btw cookies taste good with whip cream xD

9 thoughts on “maplers and their naruto names”

  1. I don’t think that ‘lolman’ or ‘lookatthis’ is much better than people with Naruto based names. They sound stupid.

  2. why.
    Why do people call them selves “aznsasuke”

    they already are azn.
    That makes them a double azn.
    which makes them black.
    or mexican.

  3. drunkdaddy said: “why.
    Why do people call them selves “aznsasuke”

    they already are azn.
    That makes them a double azn.
    which makes them black.
    or mexican.

    ur racist,

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