anyone need help training or questing? im lvl 61 sin and if im not busy i can help you finish quests and stuff so contact me my ign is xxxokdroxxx (gmt+2)
Monthly Archives: August 2006
ARe YOu Dumb
TAKE this test.
Drifting Dimensions -pt11
Edit: Zomg front page! (Thanks everybody. ^0^)
Okay everybody, Im terribly sorry Ive been quite nearly dead for the last three weeks or so, but heres chapter 11, if I havent lost all my readers by now. *rolls eyes* Additionally, thanks for the comments/likes/support/demands-for-next-chapter everybody. Screenshots included of me jacking around all day today, instead of writing this like I was supposed to. They’re funny and self explanitory, check ’em out. (I’m submitting this at 10:34 lol.. but I DID get it done today.)
My Maple Soap Opera
Maple has been more bad experiences than good as of late it seems. It seems that something has always gotta come up and some stupid little personal problem develops from it that shouldn’t be such a big deal.
This time last month I was level 61. Right now I’m level 64, because I have been completely drained and have almost become uninterested in continuing onwards to that universal goal known as level 70 and 3rd job. Meanwhile, all of my friends are happily training along, hitting 3rd job, and now I fear that I’m going to be stuck as a hunter forever because every time I try to get back into training, some other freaking drama comes up and I end up hating Maple all over again. It’s seriously getting frustrating going through this cycle over and over and over again, because I’m positive I would’ve hit level 70 by now if it weren’t for happenings on Maple.
Tips about CLeRicS
I made this for my friend,Desmond who plays maplestory and is a noob. I expect that my guide was not lame but good. If you wanna become a pro cleric,email me at bkxdavid AT NOSPAM ).
Session slow flow
Okay, I know my stories have been taking a long time to come out. This is because some things hae come up and there’s another delay. So I’m sorry to say, but the flow of the stories coming out will be slower than usual. But maybe I might have the next one up and running in the next few hours so watch out!
(Still working on the signiture. What do you think of this one?)
My internet was down for a while a few days ago, so out of boredom, i made this banner for basilmarket
If You Have A
Ds then can you please use Wi-Fi and come to chat with me on room w/e? I just wanna see, we can talk bout maple!
Boredom @ Maplestory
When you get to a higher and higher level, it starts getting boring just training and doing the same things over and over again. Actually, the only fun thing is leveling or chatting or whatever. Wizet should make more fun games IN Maplestory that you can earn money too. But that might be boring too since I only like adventure games. Does people think training and selling/buying things are considered fun? Do you think Wizet should add games to Maplestory besides the Omok and the Matching Cards game? What other things do you people do besides training/PQing/trading/selling/buying/chatting/playing Omok and Matching Cards/faming and defaming people/leveling/reporting people/tell people to stop doing hacks/hacking/ect… I hope soon you all will find some fun things to do in MapleStory besides that list… Wizet will soon hopefully create the game more fun and safer to other people…
Back to MMO
Hey, I’m back to mmo, but on a different account.
*note* i like that one better cuz i like the name better.
it’s Shatred.