FF Monster Interviews: Chocobo

Narr:Zhlon, somehow survived the Doink attack, now heads over to a nearby chocobo forest, where chocobos run free.

Zhlon: O.k, im here at the nearest chocobo forest i could find, and…
???: Hello, may i interest you in something?
Zhlon: No, i don’t want brownies.
???: Oh no, its not brownies. Are you trying to interview a Chocobo without getting killed like the previous 2 times?
Zhlon: Yea, so… Hey, how’d you know?
Chocobo boy: Im the chocobo boy, thats why!
Zhlon: O…..k……..
Chocobo boy: I could sell you this ChocoZinger and ChocoWhistle, which will allow you to track down and find tame chocobos in this forest!
Zhlon: Cool! How much?
C.B: Oh… Just a measly… 2 million gils.
Zhlon: No deal.
C.B: I’ll throw in a chocobo stuffed toy.
Zhlon: Deal.

*After a while*

Zhlon: It dosen’t work, the radar didnt respond, and my chocobo detection kit was stolen by some bratty chocobos.
C.B: You might wanna buy another, this time for 1 million gills.
Zhlon: Grr…

*After more whiles…*

Zhlon: You know something? This stinks. I can’t find a single chocobo anywhere, and my Chocobo kit and watch was stolen by a baby chocobo and.. Hey, where’d you get that watch!!!
C.B: Uh oh, busted.
Zhlon: *Pulls out Lionheart*
C.B: Chocobo/Mog! *Dissapears*
Zhlon: Wait a minute! Ain’t that a FF7 summon? How can it be in FF 8?

Narr: Zhlon, what happens if a enormously gigantic/ fat chocobo lands on you?
Zhlon: Er… I get damaged?
*Chubby Chocobo lands on Zhlon*

C.B: Yay, i leveled up!
Zhlon: Its not over yet, gimme back my money!*Pops out under chocobo*
C.B: Never!
Zhlon: Then i summon…

*Giant dragon appears and blasts whole chocobo forest to smithereens*
Narr: Oh dear, what a mess Zhlon made… Guess the clean-up crew’s got a busy day ahead of them…
Zhlon: For once, I lived!!!!!! And i got my gils back!
Narr: We’ll cancel out this forest and we can continue on Zhlon’s adventure, when for the first time, Zhlon did not die!

*Same giant dragon blasts Zhlon into ashes*
Zhlon: Owwie.

13 thoughts on “FF Monster Interviews: Chocobo”

  1. in ff12 they are more realistic

    they look pimp though

    i like em

    but if you meet a wild one they can own you if you arent careful

  2. not crazy strong but if you dont know what youre doing they will own you

    partly because they are surrounded by powerful monsters and you get mobbed on

    remember FF12 is in real time

  3. Fenrir said: “Cocoa-bos.


    Chocolate chocobos!


    i dont know why that made me laugh lol

  4. Lawl, Coaco-bo, better watch your back Fenrir, and your other self’s too. The Chocobos are out to get ya!

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