
Well, here I am. Telling you guys about my maple life. Somehow, I was influenced by my friends to play maplestory again. Awkward. Normally, I’d be the ones influencing them. Who cares.

It all started, like, 3 weeks ago?

I created my character, HapiTrigger, and started her (My sis’s account) little adventure. So everything was going smoothly. Got past maple island without much trouble.

So then, according to guides and friends, I was to train at Kerning on Orange Mushrooms. During my time there. I caught a very strange sight there.

Considering that this was happening at around 9 in the morning, this was indeed strange.

Then, I kept seeing this Firework thing. So I went to Henesys to go check it out.


OOOww.World of pain.

Thank goodness I was in town, so I didn’t lose much exp. Thus, I had much free time on my hands, so I decided to /find SilverFX.

Later on:
Me: So, I saw the fireworks.
SilverFX: So did you die?
Me: Yup.
Me: . . .
Me: Hey, wait a minute.
Me: Does that mean that you WANTED me to die!?!?
SilverFX: *Runs*

That lil’. . .
Anyways, SilverFX was kind enough to let me join her guild, Incendiary. Or something.
*Starts looking at script*
Yup. Incendiary.

Anyways, we started spouting nonsense and ended up with this conversation.

Some time later, we all decided to go for the Guild PQ. Novv, or Eona, started asking all of us for 50k. For meso kamikazi bombing, or something like that. And, as per usual, me, the just started noob, was completely broke, and had to borrow some money from others.


So, off we went, smashing ancient rocks which could contain ancient information to make earrings, hitting ancient relics that could unlock the secrets to our exsistance, dodging laser beams meant to decapitate us, Breaking something so powerful that could curse us forever, killing all of the poor survivors of the ruins as though it was none of our business, spoiling the treadmills that could uncover previous traditions, shouting out loud at the ruins even though I could get retribution, and spilling the blood of one of our members who followed us through all these trials.

You’d think I’d get my retribution, right?

You were right.

A few days later, I was at the Kerning PQ area doing nothing. I just remembered, I had 1500 Maple Points from the Delphinus World thingo, so I decided to just try my luck at the Gachapon for fun.

I ended up with a White Scroll.

What were the odds?!??!


*Runs around with hands in the air*

Honestly, everyone at Incendiary was shocked. But, I was at a LAN shop, so I couldn’t get any SSs of it. Sorry bout’ that. So I asked everyone how much it’d worth.

50 mil.


So I blindly gave it to my friend like the little naive idiot I was.

Just kidding.

I gave it to him to ask him to help me sell it. He lived next block of me, so if anything wrong happened, I’d just go over and beat the excresion outta him.

The next day, I got the result. He did manage to sell it.

Those who watched Full Metal Alchemist will remember this rule: Equivilant Trade. To gain something, I must lose something of equal value. That’s one of my two rules.

He bought a blue work glove with two cursed scrolls for glove dex.

14 mill was left.

I went over to his house and kicked that mothertugboater in his groin.

I went back, frustrated, depressed.

For about 5 minutes.

Cuz’, my second rule is :”I’m gonna be happy go lucky.”


I, kidna took it as my fate.



Anyways, I’m gonna end this blog with a comic I made recently, called Failed Supper.

Sorry if the quality is kinda bad.


Well then, this is Zhlink, signing off.


7 thoughts on “Supersailerrifficness.”

  1. I. . .uhh. . .migrated to Cassiopeia for a moment. =D

    Got tired of the overloaded servers and stuff. D:

  2. Yeah, half the time, in that GPQ, I wanted to tell you something, but you gone and disappeared into the next map before I could. >>;

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