Age of the Dinosaur

Hello folks. Zerofox Kitsune here.

I’d just like to entertain the people here at MMOTales. So go get your snacks, and read on. After you’re done, don’t forget to comment and press the thumbs up button.

First Thing’s First…

So, if you’re curious as to why this blog is called ‘Age of the Dinosaur’, you’re about to find out. You see, this computer I’m using….it’s kind of, well, old. Wanna guess how old it is?

Audience: Technology does get old fast, so….3?
Zerofox: Nope

Audienece: It’s gotta be 4, right?
Zerofox: Wrong again!

Audience: Okay then. This has got to be it. I mean, how long do computers live, anyways? It’s 5! Tell us we’re right!
Zerofox: Nope, sorry. It’s older than that….

My computer is 9 years old.

No, you read that right.


It’s a Pentium III 866MHz with 642 MB of RAM, and a 150 GB hard drive. You can begin to imagine the kind of lag I get. Yes folks, this thing IS a dinosaur. It’s about as old as me. It’s running Windows XP SP2, surprisingly, and the hard drive only fried once. It’s lasted a long time, but oh how I want more speed….and less lag.

Not that I wanna get rid of this guy here. He’s been awesome for lasting that long.

And to get to the MMO part of it…

Oh yes. Can’t forget this part. So anyways, here goes:

In the World of MapleStory…

I logged in, and tried making some more money. As I was doing so, a dexless assassin (or what appeared to be) came into my map. (Note: I was here first. For, say, 20 minutes)

Him: *KSing me* “cc please”
Me: “WHAT?!”
Me: “I was here first! Don’t be so greedy! (I was willing to share the map) You’re in no position to be telling me to CC!”

So he left. And then I lagged severely.

Up until that point, I hadn’t been suffering too badly. I shortly lagged for 2 seconds sometimes. After he left, it became so unbearable, I had to log out.

In the World of Trickster…

Nothing. Haven’t played it for a while.

In the World of Mabinogi…

I got a pet Brown Fox. And so, I named him after my MapleStory character, Kogekisha. It was kind of funny to see newbies trying to attack me. After that, I bought a pattern for a Cores’ Ninja Suit (M). I feel like tackling tailoring.

And that’s it for now. I’ll see you next time!

-Zerofox Kitsune

8 thoughts on “Age of the Dinosaur”

  1. . . .

    9. And STILL WORKING?!

    Mine could not last beyond 4 before we scrapped it ;_;

    I’m guessing the dexless gave you a lag curse before he left, huh

  2. ZOH MY GOSH! you play trickster?! D:< OH MY GOSH~! haaha, sorry about my reaction. XD I know like no one who plays trickster so it’s nice to see someone else playing it. C: but you said you haven’t played for a while! :0 *GASP*

    well if you do happen to play trickster again, message my char Fayela in the Jewelia server. I’m usually in pearl island! C;

  3. I’m on Jewelia too. And I’m usually on Pearl Island too! It just depends what’s busier.

  4. Hey there guys, i found a “Get Paid to” Website where you complete offers and do surveys and stuff and it pays you! Obviously some of you guys think theres a catch, but how could there possibly be a catch when all you have to do is sign up with Address info,Phone num, Email and Name. Its that easy so theres no chance of scam, you just sign up using this link link and then you start doin offers and stuff. Earn like $300 a month, Obviously it wont make you rich but itll put some money in your pocket, just like it did me. So if you want proof on how this works just visit link

    Good luck!

  5. Okay, ColdBrutal, you are going to die
    But, I’m not gonna do it, lol it’s the morning and I’m too lazy

    Zerofox, sorry you have such an unwanted comment! T.T

  6. ColdBrutal said: “Hey there guys, i found a “Get Paid to” Website where you complete offers and do surveys and stuff and it pays you! Obviously some of you guys think theres a catch, but how could there possibly be a catch when all you have to do is sign up with Address info,Phone num, Email and Name. Its that easy so theres no chance of scam, you just sign up using this link link and then you start doin offers and stuff. Earn like $300 a month, Obviously it wont make you rich but itll put some money in your pocket, just like it did me. So if you want proof on how this works just visit link

    Good luck!”

    Address, phone number, email, and NAME. Oh yes, how could there POSSIBLY be a chance for NO SCAMS? That’s practically giving out ALL your PERSONAL INFORMATION, making it EASY for IDENTITY THEFT. -____-

    And ditto Lazy, sorry Zerofox :/

  7. *ontopic*

    Mmm, old computers. I have an ~18 year old computer sitting in my house. It actually works if you turn it on and it runs DOS and Windows 3.1. It was my very first computer. It even had a floppy drive. Yes! A FLOPPY drive that was actually, well, floppy. Needless to say I don’t actually use it anymore, but I can’t bear to get rid of it.

  8. @ lazydame and ShiningWings: Nah it’s okay. It’s not your fault. Kind of a random comment from Cold there though.

    @altessa: Yup, I have one of those too. It even has those 5 1/2 in floppy drives on it.

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