during the past few days, i’ve managed to drop my meso count from 5 mil down to 100k o.O
here’s what i got.
a while back, i bought an asianic bow, 85 att, 0 slots left (+4) for 3 million. which brought me down to 500k around.
found a few scrolls, got a few from the lvl 50 quest. then my cash count went back to 3 million.
i continued training, npcing yeti skins, and other items, selling things, and ended up having about total of 5 million.
then the maple anniversary event started. and i foud in total 9 blue presents up to now, and have received 2 yellow maple bandanas, which i’m trying to sell one of… the rest were cakes. >.<
now, i was browsing free market, then i came accross this guy selling honey for 4 million. i have been having the ingredients to make the juice taking up 4 inventory slots, for a LONG time, and i’ve decided to buy it and get rid of the space.
so i was down to 1 million. (or close to 950k or so, since whenever i repot, i spend about 1.1-1.2 million, i buy about 4-500 pure water and 5-600 hotdog supremes)
then i was browsing free market again (DON’T DO IT if you don’t want to spend money. it’s VERY temting to do so) then i came accross this guy selling a maple soul singer for 850k. 59 att and 31 accuracy, but i didn’t want it for the “stats”, i simply wanted it for the looks, and i’ve been looking for one for a long time, but no luck from either of master chronos or green mushrooms, so i gave up. and 850k is a great deal, i guess, since i’ve seen many still on sale at 1.5-2.1 millions. many worse stats than the one i have.
it’s all good, but my total cash is now down to 100k… went back to train a bit, then cash came back to 150k or so, then i managed to sell a 10% int cape scroll, a shoe speed 10% scroll which managed to get me back up to 850k or so.
now i should stop spending, and get my level up to 60. i really have to force myself to do so.
also, my cash shop items expired today, all of the clothing, and the cargo and the pet equips. so i spent the remaining 19.6k nx cash, to buy a new set of clothes. which, i find look quite nice, and i revived the pet, got another kargo wing, but i scrolled it with 5 10%s (which ALL failed) and 2 100% (which obviously… succeeded) so i’m left off with 0 slots and 1 speed 1 jump. well, doesn’t matter, i’ve got a bone helm now.
i need more space for equip inventory as well. it’s really starting to get packed.
so… enough of the talking useless stuff… i should get back to studying o.O
happy mapling everyone
and if you read up to here, thnx… lol!
zedex (IGN SummeRchR, 57.13 Scania Hunter)
you should get 10% or more a day!
i’ll buy some stuff lol
I knew this story sounded familier, you told us on the forum