Make A PQ

Well I saw this forum in Basil and I put mine up. But, the forum got unpopular so I’m putting mine up

lvl 10 – 20

You will need 4 ppl in the party. Be sure to stock up on pots

Stage 1
Your whole team will be dropped in a place with 4 rooms. The party splits up and has to kill 4 monsters in each room. Room1 has Blue Bubblings, Room2 has Axe Stumps, Room3 has Octopus, and Room4 has Green Mushroom. After that, get all the passes and drop em on top of the NPC stump to open the portal to

Stage 2
A high tower as a jump quest. Pass this to get to the next stage.

Stage 3
After going throught the portal, you will be under a great big tree. Once all party members are there, the leader has to click NPC Stump to start this stage. Several Bubblings will be dropping and it’s your task to destroy as much as you can. Once you kill 80 Bubblings, a portal will open for the next stage.

Stage 4
The boss stage. Be sure to have pots for the whole team.

Almighty Blue – A giant Octopus

HP – 5000
MP – ???
Attack – Uses ink to darken the screen a little bit. As time passes, it’ll fade away.

Bonus Stage
You will be able to break stumps that drop different things such as pots, bags of money, and lvl 10 – 25 weapons


Prize – Plates, lvl 10 – 20 top and bottom, scrolls, and lvl 15 – 25 earrings.

What do you got in mind

15 thoughts on “Make A PQ”

  1. King Pepe PQ

    Levels 50-60

    To start this PQ, you must have a party of 6 people, levels 50-60. Your party must venture to the El Nath dugeon, to the Holy Ground in the Snowfield. Talk to the NPC there and give him a Frozen Orb to begin the quest. A Frozen Orb can be obtained by trading 6 icicles for it.

    Time Limit: 75 minutes

    Your party begins in a small map. It is the only map. In the center, there is a round circle, and drop the Frozen Orb in the middle of that circle to summon the King Pepe. It is very powerful and has excellent stats.

    Level 70

    600 W ATK
    650 M ATK
    0 DEF
    0 MDEF
    – Accuracy (never misses)
    0 Avoid
    0 Speed (stationary)

    25,000,000 HP

    After its killed, each party member gets 250k exp and 250k mesos.

    In the end, when you exit, your entire party will gain a random item(s) (that is very valuable). Everyone in the same party will get the same item(s).

    Limit, once per day.

    Boss HP and Time may have to be adjusted.

  2. Wow nice PQ idea Danell. Sad thing that you have to pay 6 Icicles for an orb. You should trade in a less valuable item for the orb. Like uhhm, idk 50 yeti horns?

  3. Lets just say, you have a chance of getting very good items, like Ilbi or gigantics. But you always get items worth say, over 1 M every time.

  4. The War

    You will need 6 people for this PQ. Levels are 60 – 70

    You will have a war with monsters from lvl 50 – lvl 80

    Pack up for pots for it’ll be a long time. Go to the Cursed Sanctuary in Ant Tunnel and talk to the Mystery Crystal to get in the PQ. You will need 50k to access the war field.

    Kill all the monsters spawning from the Sanctuary. Kill em all until you have killed 200 in the counter. You can quit at any time. While killing the monsters, there is a high chance of getting something valuable. After finishing the quest, you will get lvl 70 – lvl 90 equips. Sometimes, you will get nothing but 200k

  5. I would freaking love that War PQ. problem is, at 60-70, some classes are training on monsters in Cursed Sanc and can kill 200 in no time.

  6. 좋아, 좋아~~

    6 members per party, 2 parties at a time.
    levels 50 – 65
    stage 1: 120 passes, each monster drops 1: monsters = jr yettis [so pretty much each person has to get 10]
    stage 2: a quiz thing [like stage 6 in ludi quest] 20 questions, if one member from either party messes up, everyone starts over. same questions for everyone but in a different order. each member gets a toy weapon.
    stage 3: 12 mini-bosses [taurospears], summoned by dropping the toy weapons all at once.
    stage 4: all tp, haste, etc, is eliminated: jump quest. kind of like B2.
    stage 5: ks war. timed: 10 minutes. under the water [like aqua land]: which ever party kills more monsters [drakes] moves on, the party that loses goes onto the bonus stage.
    stage 6: number code with barrells
    stage 7: boss is 2 mushmom, king slime, and a weakened jr rog, each killed consecutively.
    bonus: [like in ludi pq, this is where other parties get to go in] 2 minutes, go through a mini maze and depending on where you are when the bonus stage ends, you get a valuable item or 10 – 100 elixers.

    and then you click on the npc and get a prize [random 60% scroll] or [an equip for level 58-70]

    it’s difficult i guess o-O, i’m not too sure.
    but i like it.

  7. For Newbs

    Lvl 3-10

    Maple Island

    3 People in party (I know you cant have peeps in a party when ur beginner but bend the rules lol)

    The leader MUST have 5 Mushroom Caps to enter
    You go to Southperry and click on the sailor until you are accepted in.

    Stage 1:
    The party members are each transported to a different map
    They have to kill either 10 snails, 10 red snails, or 10 blue snails(The red snails are slightly weaker than usual)
    They give you 4 EXP EACH party member. Collect all the passes and a portal will appear. Step in and give your leader the passes.

    Stage 2:
    A simple jump quest that you need to get through to get to the next stage.
    It trains you for the other jump quests ahead of you in some quests.
    Gives 45 exp each.

    Stage 3:
    A puzzle with 5 different combinations.
    Gives 55 Exp each.


    Kill 5 snails that are stronger than usual.
    After that, a boss named Poison Shroom ( I know its corny -_-)
    300 HP
    100 MP
    Always hits you
    You always hit it
    Special ability:
    Poisons you, deals 2 damage every second for 10 seconds
    EXP:100 each

    Now you shouldve gotten at least one level up.

    BONUS:Hit small plants that give you one of these:
    8 EXP
    50 Mesos
    Lvl 10 Equips for any job
    100% Scrolls

    Overall a very beneficial PQ for new people.

  8. WOW. DaChronic’s idea is almost the same thing as mine in Basil Market. Except mine was for lvl 1 – 10 and the boss was a big snail. And, the lvl 10 Equip and the Stage 2 part is also in mine as well. I’m not saying you’re copying me. I’m just saying yours is similar to mine Not the one up there. The one at BasilMarket.

  9. [h]Suicide! PQ[/h]


    Levels 70-90

    Up to 6 party members. However, the sum of the levels in your party must be 320 or less.

    To get into this PQ, the party leader must have these items (you lose them upon entering) 100x tauromacis horn, 100x taurospear horn. No clicking is required. Limit of 1 PQ per day. You can have as many parties in one channel at the same time, but they won’t be on the same map. Party assembles at Cursed Sanctuary.

    If at any time, half or more of the party is dead (rounded up) or you fail your objective within the time limit, your party is kicked out.

    Monsters killed don’t drop items, but give extra exp.

    You won’t get exp from completing stages until you’re done Last Stage B.

    Stage 1: Kill the Jr. Balrog. All its skills (except attack) have been doubled. (e.g. W DEF x2, M DEF x2, ACC x2, HP x2 etc) Attack x1.5.

    Your party has 3 minutes.

    As soon as its killed, the party will be transported to El Nath Lava.

    Stage 2: Do a jump quest, 1 long horizontal map. Bains will shoot you with their magical attack whenever you’re in range for its full damage. Get to the portal to finish the jump quest. The party will advance as soon as at least 3 members are finished.

    Stage 3: Kill 100 cerebes. There will be a counter to count the amount your party has killed. Your party has 10 minutes.

    Stage 4: Kill 200 bains. There will be a counter to cunt the amount your party has killed. Your party has 25 minutes.

    After Stage 4, your party will be teleported to Ludibrium.

    Stage 5 “Monster Massacre”: Waves of Ludi monsters starting from the weakest to strongest (all monsters in Ludi below the level of 80) attack you. You will complete this stage by surviving for 10 minutes.

    Last Stage A: You have 30 mintutes to do this stage. You will have to kill 25 gatekeepers and 25 tanatoses.

    After this stage, you will be teleported to an odd place. . .

    Last Stage B: You have to survive for 20 minutes in this stage. This is the final stage. You will be massacred by all of MS’s strongest monsters and bosses. If at least half your party is still alive after 20 minutes, then you have beater Suicidal! PQ.

    If you finish Last Stage B, then you recieve 350k exp.

    You will then go to the exit stage, and recieve a reward. Every member in your party gets the same reward, and same quantity. The values of all possible rewards range from 1.5M – 30M (usually at the lower end of the spectrum)

  10. Fairy Land PQ (This is a competitive PQ that two parties can get in at a time. Party that finishes first, wins better prizes. They are two separate pqs, NOT TEAM PQS. They are exactly the same though.) Click on the Magic Ent to enter the PQ.

    Lvl 80 – 100 (Each Party Consists of 6)

    Characters needed: White Knight with Fire Charge, Bishop for Dispel, and Hermit with Flash Jump

    Duration: 90 minutes

    Stage 1: Each Party must kill 50 Giant Night Ghosts and collect their passes, and also destroy 10 Metal Boxes containing Shadow Orbs. This is a large vertical map, and the party must all meet at the right hand corner at the Magic Sapling. Leader must click on the Magic Sapling with 10 Shadow Orbs and 50 Passes in Hand.

    Stage 2: This is a damp forest, where all party members are split in 6 different places (stacked on top of each other) that start in the left part of the map. They must cut their way through vines, avoid metal traps and swamp gump tar, kill king bogeymen and giant neckis, and make it to right side of the map where each of them have to answer 3 questions each. They all get 1 pass each, and drop them through holes to the leader. When leader talks to the Magic Sapling, they all get portals to Stage 3.

    Stage 3: Kill the Mimics and the Illusion Lupins. Beware, because some drop orbs, and some poison, freeze, and stun you. Also, there is a giant Tribal Bogeyman Totem that multiplies itself from left to right. All who touch it are dealed 5k – 20k damage. You must collect 20 Shadow Orbs for your leader before the Tribal Totem multiplies and kills all of you. Leader routinely clicks the Magic Sapling to make the portal appear.

    Stage 4: This is a box combination for 4 people. Leader (standing near the Magic Sapling) and one other party member (standing on the Phoenix Nest) must click simultaneously to get the Wrong or Right answer. Box numbers are from 1-8 (4 people on boxes, 1 on phoenix nest, leader near the sapling). Make sure to get clear answer to advance to the pool stage.

    Stage 5: Leader is at the top of the water, walking on the land. He has to break boxes to release gates that block his 5 swimming party members paths. All 5 party members must collect 35 Pieces of a Giant Key in Treasure Chests underwater. Touching Evil Mermaids will get you poisoned and damaged, but you cannot damage the Mermaids. Once party members are done, they take the bottom right portal to transport to the Magic Sapling where they submit the Giant Key pieces to the Leader. This opens up the Gateway to the Fairy Tale Shrine.

    Stage 6: All players must fight Ancient Golems in this map with quicksand and platforms. Hit switches to decrease the quicksand levels to get deeper without struggling. Ancient Golems can only be damaged when they are next to light. This is why you need a Fire White Knight. They must fire charge the Candles. Collect 20 Passes from the Ancient Golems and get to the end of the stage to advance. Leader must talk to the Rune of Fairy Tales.

    Stage 7: There are platforms in which Hermits can only Flash Jump across. Once they jump across, they must kill Leverkeepers to deactivate Spikes that block the Party’s way. The Party fights Dire Tigers along the way that can poison and curse you. Once all 10 Dire Tigers have been killed, several portals appear in the map to pass to the next stage.

    Stage 8: All 5 other party members are trapped in boxes. They are all allowed to Chat Twice to the leader in this stage, for him to guess their location. There are a total of 50 boxes in this Giant Chamber. The Leader must kill the box with the White Knight first, because the lights dim sometimes, and need to be lighted. There are also Demon Maladies flying around at the top, so Leader must be cautious. Once all 5 party members are freed, they must all click on the Rune of Fairy Tales to exit the Shrine.

    Boss Stage: Chimaera Dominator
    Lvl 105

    HP: 20,000,000
    MP: 500,000
    Abilities: Can Fly
    Can Summon Legend Chimaeras and Baby Chimaeras
    Can Summon a Massive Thunder Strike dealing 1k – 5k damage regardless of magic defence
    Can Spit Fireballs as a Ranged Attack (deals fire damage)
    Can Regenerate HP by landing and staying still
    Can Weaken, Curse, Silence, and Drain Mana

    NOTE: Players must watch out the map terrain here too, because there are poison tipped spear obstacles, and stun hammers than lunge out of platform bottoms. Circular Boss Stage Layout. Once players kill all enemies on the map including the Boss, they advance to the bonus stage.

    Bonus Stage: There are different colored boogies in this map that all drop a potion, 100% scroll, 10% scroll, and rarely 60%s and lvl 90 weapons. The party has 90 seconds to collect treasures from this stage, and mesos fly out of treasure chests when hit. After the end, players must speak to the Magic Ent and collect their final prize, ranging from lvl 100 – 110 earrings to throwing stars like Hwabi.

    Tell me if you like my idea, and want the Stat list on all the Monsters made up in this PQ idea.

    TY TO STORIES for making this cool Blog.

  11. Lvl 70-80 Party Quest,

    This is in the guild Headquarters in Orbis. To start the Party quest, enter the door at the top, and talk to the Knight in the right

    hand corner. This party quest is similar to the ‘WoW’ dungeon raids, as a new option is available in the menu besides Buddy, Party,

    and Guild, there is now Raid. All party members in one party must be from the same guild. The party must be of 12 people (two raid

    parties, but the other party can be from a different Guild). Each party will need a bandit with Assaulter, Haster, and Dark Sight, a

    warrior with power crash/armor crush/magic crash, and a cleric with Teleport, and Archers with Hawks/Eagles, a Fire mage, and an Ice

    mage. In this Party Quest, Mages really shine more than the oter classes. The Time Limit for this Party Quest is 8 hours. The Raid

    Leader needs to have 5 free ETC. slots.

    Stage 1 (Exp 12000)

    In this stage your party travels down a castle-like hallway adorned with shimmering gold. The floor is a checkered black and white

    pattern. And the walls are decorated with red velvet drapes. Pictures of legendary Maple heros/heroines line the walls. At the end is

    a Blue Knight. The first task he assigns you is for the two bandits in your party is to reach the Orbs back at the entrance all the

    way down the hall and destroy them. But, now the hall has monsters that do 20k damage and there are long pits that your members cant

    jump over. This is where Dark Sight and Assaulter come in. Once the bandits destroy the orbs, the raid party can move to the next


    Stage 2 (Exp 16750)

    In this stage, it is the Barrel stage with a twist. 8 Party members must stand on the fuse boxes to detonate the bomb at a wall to the

    right, The boxes are numbered 1 through 15. It is considerably easier to jump in this PQ than in the Ludi one. Once they find the

    right combination, they blow up the wall and continue to the next part of stage two.

    Stage 2 1/2

    Now that the wall is down, You have awakened 50 Knights of the Undead. With the stats shown below, have your fire and ice mages take

    these monsters down quickly.

    Knight of the Undead Lvl 75

    HP/MP: 25000/500
    EXP: 1000

    Most effective magic: Holy
    Effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire
    Less effective magic: Poison
    Non-effective magic: Heal
    Effective status: Freeze, Seal

    Weapon attack: 300
    Magic attack: 350
    Weapon defense: 800
    Magic defense: 290
    Speed: -10
    Accuracy: 175
    Avoidability: 27

    Unique Attack: Long-ranged fire magical attack (can be evaded).
    Skills: Physical Defense-Up Level 4

    Once you have deafeated these knights, one more will pop up.

    (Mini Boss) Divine Knight Lvl 87

    HP/MP: 75000/1000
    EXP: 10000

    Most effective magic: None
    Effective magic: Ice, Lightning, Fire
    Less effective magic: Poison, Holy
    Non-effective magic: Heal
    Effective status: Freeze, Seal

    Weapon attack: 500
    Magic attack: 650
    Weapon defense: 800
    Magic defense: 1000
    Speed: -10
    Accuracy: 185
    Avoidability: 30

    Unique Attack: Long-ranged holy magical attack (can be evaded, and can hit multiple party members).
    Skills: Physical Defense-Up Level 5
    Invulnerable to Melee (can only have one of these on at a time)
    Invulnerable to Magic (can only have one of these on at a time)
    Invulnerable to Range (can only have one of these on at a time)

    Once he is dead, the Raid Leader must take the Proof of conqueror badge and click on the Red Knight to move to the next stage.

    Stage 3 (Exp 21875)

    This stage has 6 doors, each leading to puzzle rooms. Two people must go in each door.The two clerics with Teleport should take the

    door all the way to the left, and complete a Puzzle which involves stepping on Blue switches to open another door for the other

    Cleric. One cleric will be on the bottom, and the other on the top of this map. Once all the Blue buttons are pushed down, they will

    reached the exit and get the Pass in a treasure chest which they hit, much like in the Ludi PQ. The other 5 doors are all like this,

    but don’t require teleport. Once the Raid Leader gets all 6 passes, they can move on to Stage 4.

    Stage 4 (Exp 28950)

    This stage requires the two bowmen with hawks/eagles to run across the map holding two torches to light two pillars at the end of the

    hall. The bandits in the parties must cast haste on the archers. Now, as they run across the map, they have to dodge spikes, monsters,

    and other obstacles. The reason for the hawks/eagles is to repel Dark Leeches from attack the bowmen. It swoops down from the top of

    the screen and if it touches a bowman, that player instantly dies. The hawks/eagles will automatically kill the Leech. Once the

    torches are lighted up, the door will appear where the rest of the party is, and the bowmen will he teleported back once they enter

    the door in between the pillars. On to stage 5. (Note: Cleric Dragon cannot attack the Leeches, as the Leeches are invulnerable to

    Holy magic)

    Stage 5 (Exp 34000)

    Miniboss time! The leader has to have a sin or one of the bowmen shoot a mirror on the ceiling. Once that falls to the ground, the

    miniboss is summoned.

    Medusa Lvl 90

    HP/MP: 300000/2000
    EXP: 30000

    Most effective magic: Lightning, Holy
    Effective magic: Ice, Fire
    Less effective magic: Poison
    Non-effective magic: Heal
    Effective status: Freeze, Seal

    Weapon attack: 600
    Magic attack: 900
    Weapon defense: 400
    Magic defense: 400
    Speed: 20
    Accuracy: 180
    Avoidability: 30

    Unique Attack: Long-ranged earth magical attack, can Petrify on contact at a 30% chance (cannot be evaded).
    Skills: Can summon Neckis and Teleport across the screen. Can also Skill lock.

    Once you have beaten this boss, it drops a Shard of Key. Show this to the Green knight and he’ll give you passage to Stage 6.

    Stage 6 (Exp None)

    This is basically a Jump Quest where all the members have to reach the bottom, if you fall, you start from the last checkpoint. There

    are three Checkpoints in the map. Once there, the leader must take the next Shard of key and enter the door to Stage 7.

    STage 7 (Exp None)

    Follow the Jr. Boogie carrying the Lantern to the bottom of the map, make sure to follow him, otherwise you must start this stage

    over. Once there, take the next shard of Key and enter the door again.

    Stage 8 (Exp 52325)

    The party has finally reached the basement of the Guild Headquarters (whew, who knew it was huge down here.) In this stage, the party

    has to collect 800 coupons from Jr. Effys.

    Jr. Effy Lvl 51

    HP/MP: 3000/42
    EXP: 1000

    Most effective magic: Ice
    Effective magic: Lightning, Poison, Holy
    Less effective magic: Fire
    Non-effective magic: Heal Effective status: n/a

    Once this is done, the party leader receives the pass and the last Shard of Key. On to the next stage!

    Stage 9 (Exp 55000)

    We’re almost done! Two more stages to go, In this stage the leader has to assemble the key at the altar in the middle of the map.

    While the leader takes 10 minutes to summon the Key of Heros, the other 11 members have to defend him against attacks. He can be

    healed by a cleric at all times. (Note: If a member dies on this stage and the leader is still alive after the ten minutes, the Key

    will revive him/her)

    These monsters will attack you.

    Ghost Pirate Lvl 83

    HP/MP: 20000/160
    EXP: 5000

    Weapon attack: 365
    Magic attack: 400
    Weapon defense: 710
    Magic defense: 460
    Speed: -30
    Accuracy: 150
    Avoidability: 27

    Most effective magic: Fire
    Effective magic: Lightning, Poison, Holy
    Less effective magic: Ice
    Non-effective magic: Heal Effective status: Poison, Seal, Stun
    Unique Attack: Magical Attack

    Dual Ghost Pirate Lvl 87
    HP/MP: 25000/200
    EXP: 7000

    Weapon attack: 385
    Magic attack: 425
    Weapon defense: 775
    Magic defense: 470
    Speed: -30
    Accuracy: 160
    Avoidability: 28

    Most effective magic: Fire
    Effective magic: Lightning, Poison, Holy
    Less effective magic: Ice
    Non-effective magic: Heal Effective status: Poison, Seal, Stun
    Unique Attack: Magical Attack

    Once the leader receives the Key, Open the door at the end of the PQ.

    Stage 10 (Exp None)

    Last Stage before the boss, This stage is Simple, Basically, the Warrior has to keep pounding the seal blocking the exit with power

    crash/armor crush/magic crash. Now that that’s done On to the boss!

    An Abandoned Armory (Exp 65450)

    This is it, the boss you’ve fought 4 hours through. Good Luck Have fun ^^.

    Soul Keeper Lvl 108
    HP/MP: 800000/3000
    EXP: 100000

    Weapon attack: 750
    Magic attack: 700
    Weapon defense: 1000
    Magic defense: 850
    Speed: -30
    Accuracy: 210
    Avoidability: 40

    Most effective magic: None
    Effective magic: Fire, Ice, Poison, Holy
    Less effective magic: Lightning
    Non-effective magic: Heal
    Effective status: Poison, Freeze, Seal
    Unique Attack: Darkness Attack (Can be evaded), Shockwave (Can be evaded) Inflict status: Stun

    Once he is defeated, the Raid leader should collect the Black Void Stone and give it to the Black Knight in the right hand corner.

    Secret Treasure Room

    YAY its the Bonus Stage! Finally! Now open all the boxed lining the walls. The prizes range from lvl 60-80 Earings, lvl 60-75 capes,

    and lvl 60-80 Weapons and Armors. You have 5 minutes in this stage. The rest of the prizes here are mesos, pots, elixir, and pet food.

    Escape Chute to the Surface

    Your done with Bonus, now take the Elavator up to the surface. Your Raid Leader gets a 500k Mesos boost besides the ending prize.

    Which consists of 60% scrolls and others.

  12. Green Garden Maze

    A garden maze with Christmas Trees filling it up like a maze. Legend has it that the trees change positions several ways. It is you and your team’s task to get through the maze without getting taken in the green maze.

    lvl 50 – 60

    Stage 1 The Green Army
    While your team passes, little green holly sprouts called “The Hollies” come out of the ground. For a moment there, the team gets eased and then just when everything smoothens, a Holly raises its head and its green body gets invaded by a Flaming Eyeball. It is your team’s task to take em all down. There are only 50 Hollies so don’t be alarmed. Each of the Hollies drop red eyeballs. Once you have 50 eyeballs, drop it in the hole in the ground for a stump to grow. There will be a doorway in the hole to proceed to the next stage.

    Stage 2 The Beanstalk
    Your team will have to get up through a giant beanstalk where you will have to climb up. This will be a trainer obstacle and Hollies will occasionally pop-out. Kill them as much as you can to get through the quest easily.

    Stage 3 Green Giant
    This time, green human-like figures will be falling from the vine you just climbed and it is time to kill again. This stage will be easier than Stage 1 and there will be a catch. The Giants’ magic attk is a punch in the ground which sprouts a vine from the ground. If your teammate or you gets hit by one, they will be trapped unless you will break the vine. Your teammate will be damaged as long as the vine is still trapping him/her.

    Stage 4 Grandfather Holly
    The Grandfather of the Hollies suddenly appears in the dust after an earthquake impact crater in the center hole of the maze. It is your task to kill this Holly. He will summon little Hollies with more anger power planted by their Grandpa. After you kill him, you have made him disappear resulting in the empty crater. The crater is your way out. Make your team jump in the crater and you have finished the quest.

    Prizes – 300k and there’s a 5% chance for one or more of your teammates to get an exclusive Holly Bow, Staff, Sword, Axe, Spear, Xbow, Polearm, BW, Claw, Dagger, or a wand.

    Monster HP

    Hollies – 5000
    Green Giant – 3500
    Grandfather Holly – 150,000

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