Firstly, notice the screenshot. Amanda is paying 300k to whoever comes up with a cute name for her puppet. Contact either [Yundei] or [Faelli] in game. Broans only.
Name: Joe.
Date: 27 May 2007.
Leveling speed: Slow.
Current Level: 84.
Current Percent: 58.
Class: Chief Bandit.
Skill set: Heavy band of thieves.
Physical status: High on percocet.
So here’s the deal: I just got my wisdom teeth out and I kind of took too much of my pain medication. I feel like my skin is wiggling on my muscles. Acutally, I’m sort of giddy. It’s not a nice feeling. I feel gross.
This morning was double experiance. It’s funny because just before it started I had spent ten-or-so minutes arguing with Jaimy[Rokui] and Matt[Oathmaker] about how chief bandits level so slowly when they try not to waste money. Which I fully believe to be true. I can A) train at gobies at -10mill per level, B) train at Forest of Golem at +2mill per level, C) train in Ludi at -5to10mill per level. Logic says pick B because I will be making money. Well, I’d also be gettin 7-8% per hour while training seriously. My only real choice to level at the same speed of other classes is to blow my final savings. Too bad that’s not really an option.
So the event rolls around and I find Rina[Arinipe], my 84 priest friend who usually trains with me when I don’t have anywhere else to go. Our conversation goes like this:
Me: Have a party for the event?
Rina: No.
Me: Want to duo vikings?
Rina: Sure
We party and run down the clocktower to vikings which neither of us have ever seriously trained on before. I came up with the idea because I was reading some solo guide on Sleepywood Forums this morning. As soon as we get there I alt-tab and double check how to do the platforms one last time. We start out rocky, both of us AFKing frequently. But then we realize that this is decent experiance and get serious about it. I spend roughly 2mill in this 2 hours and make 30%. We goofed off the whole time and had a ball. I was really happy. I generally am when I pass the 50% line.
Then my recently-made-guild GirlScouts decided to guild guest. I met up with Matt and Jaimy plus Nicole[Juian] and Alex[Johnald] in Orbis Station. We partied and continued to Perion. I was actually excited about GQing. The only down-part was that Mandy[Faelli] declined the offer to quest. We all met up in Perion; we had everyone needed. And we began.
Upon entering the first stage, Matt and Jaimy got into an argument which I quickly cooled down. Matt soloed the left side of the statue map while David[Kendoki/superstewie] duoed the right side. We passed on our second go around. Huge thanks to Matt.
The rest of the quest passed smoothly until we hit Ergoth.
I haven’t done a quest in a while, maybe a month or more. I realized that I had forgotten where the meso-dropping spot was. I quickly picked it, dropped my 700k in 3.5k bags and readied myself.
Jaimy broke the Rubian and I held down the a-button where meso explosion was placed.
Unfortunately I had messed up the positioning and I was only able to blow the first two statues. “Good, I don’t like the dispellers.”
For a while Jaimy soloed the 1/1 statues on the far right. Matt ran out of pots early and killed the summons for us. I made my way over to help Jaimy. He coma’d the statues dead in a few quicky minutes while I spammed savage blow on them. They fell within ten seconds of each other.
With about 20 minutes left, we thought we had Ergoth in the bag. He summoned too quickly for us to keep up and soon we were not able to hit him. I spammed band of thieves and Jaimy continued his coma wrath. At three minutes left, the two of us had managed to kill about 3/8 of Ergoth’s health bar.
We dubbed it a ‘lost cause’ and left. On a good note acutally.
We shared blame for the loss and told everyone that we would try again next Sunday/Saturday.
This suprised me because if you know Jaimy, then you’d know that his temper, which seemed to be dormant today, can get out of hand. He was very excited, as were we all. And for being a two week old guild, I’d say we did amazing. I mean, we only had three third jobbers in the quest. Huge thanks to Jaimy on the Ergoth front.
I lost 5% dying in Ergoth. That would usually anger me because it’s time lost, but I’m not. I’m very happy about today. It was a good day, ya know. It’s one of those days where even though it wasn’t all perfect, you had alot of fun and some good stuff happened.
I’m going to spend the rest of tonight hanging out with Mandy in Victoria Island and then twilight princessing it up with my Asian food. Oh yea, it was a good day.
I didn’t get any screen shots of the vikings training or the guild quest because I’d compltely forgotten about MMOTales for the longest time, but I’m going to start posting more here and I’ll screenshots then.
Thanks for letting me share my story, guys.
See, I’m thinking of the name Eugene. If anyone can top that for Mr. Puppet, tell me. Please and thank you.
Also, nice blog, Joe. Nice description of the high-on-painkillers feeling. Ewh. D;
Re-welcome to MMOtales?
Chief Bandit seems like another planned meso sink.
‘Blow all your money here!’, literally.
Lol I liked your blog
And btw guild guest?
Ditto Silver.
I used to watch my lovely CB friend at Vikings. Man, I have NO idea how he managed to keep his mesos over 2 mil.
Oh and, why don’t you name the puppet Stew-o? Totally pwnage name right there.
Oooh, naming puppets?
Hows about Stanley? Eugene sounds pretty awesome. Or Edwin? . . .Gregory?
Or. . . *runs out of names*
ILY + Broa rawketh.
Another awesome blogger
Hi Rokui’s friend.
I’m also a Broan.
Glacier123, at your service.
Nice blog!
What about the name Mr. Straw?
I think it perfectly describes him.
Name the scarecrow Boq. That was the name of the Scarecrow in Wicked + The Wizard of Oz
Hey, why are there no comments on my awesome coma wrath?! >(
Nice blog, Joe. I actually came here by accidently pressing something. x] Epic.
But yeah, can’t wait for the next GQ.
Also, name the scarecrow , uhh,
Nice Blog.
Wiggles the Scarecrow
Tell Mandy,
Belome = Scarecrow.
And if she dont like that, she can go play Super Mario RPG and get back to me.