Ip0x’s Diary #3 + Comic + Life

May 26

Been a while since I last wrote something. I’ve been out sick these last few days and am still not feeling any better. Seems there’s a bug going around. Late spring fever I guess. Nothing new happened while I was sick, or so I was told.

I heard from a friend of mine that one of the GMs ran around in a robotic Bang in Flarine. A bunch of people were chasing the Bang around like a toy or something. I bet it was a funny sight.

The doctor says I should stay in bed for another few days. That seems like a good idea. I still have a major headache and it pains to write a lot, hence the shortness of this entry.

I think I’ll go to sleep again. I must have eaten too many chocolates and cookies my friends sent me…G’night. I’ll write something nice when I feel better.

Second Flyff Life Comic

Yep, another comic. This time I spent more time drawing and coloring, although I started off being lazy by taking some screen shots of backgrounds to make the background The Trangfoma (thing with the raygun in the last panel) will probably show up again in later comics. I like drawing these guys because they have a raygun and a spiked club! And they sound like they’re stressed out when you attack them^^ “BOOM! Head Shot!” is something my brother kept saying when he played Gunz Online. It seemed so appropriate…

The screen shot is what I based the comic off of ;D Someone did make a store like that. I swear, GREENS ARE LIKE DRUGS. People can’t get enough of them and they are willing to pay anything to get the most valuable kinds.

What’s Going on IRL

Right now, I am sick. Allergies and a cold. Blegh. Good thing it’s Memorial Day weekend. I get to sleep until noon ^w^ Nothing much has been happening because I’m sick. I got to see the Pirates of the Caribbean movie tho (I brought an entire pack of tissues for my nose). Being sick did not stop me from going to the the awesome piratey movie!!!

I won’t say any spoilers tho. It’s against my personal code to read or talk about spoilers. All I can say is I enjoyed it VERY MUCH. Besides the fact that half of the movie I kept thinking “Dubbleyoo Tee Eff THIS IS A DISNEY MOVIE?!”, I loved everything about it. It’s a whole lot darker and more gory than the other two and the music is LOVE! I want the soundtrack >< I heard from my friends to stay after the credits, but my mom forced me out of the theater before I could say “JACK SPARROW” >< Dangit, I wish I could have gone to the movies by myself, but 1) I can’t drive yet, not getting my permit until summer cause my parents are lazy and 2) My mom is SO overprotective she won’t even let me go see a movie with my other friends unless there’s an adult AND it has to be between 12 PM to 7 PM.

Blegh, I’m getting a horrible headache just by getting angry! RAWRGH. I’m gonna sleep now.

Catch ya later peeps!

4 thoughts on “Ip0x’s Diary #3 + Comic + Life”

  1. Aw, poor thing. Get well soon!

    The comic is awesome too.

    And speaking of Bangs in Flaris, nezinshadows and I saw this bunch of people like, trying to lure a giant Bang across the Bridge. No idea what they were trying to do, but Nez said maybe they wanted to bring it to Flaris. XD

  2. Feel better~! It really sucks to be sick. (offers a bowl of miso soup with rice)

    Love the comic, lol.

    Silver: In the old days, a bang’s aoe could kill anyone standing around it, so high-levels would lure bangs into town to kill all the little vagrants and afk shops. Someone probably still thought this could happen (I heard they took this feature out) so they were probably trying to do this now that the broken bridge is fixed. XD

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