Another Reason Hacking Is Bad.

Have you ever wondered why GMS doesn’t have Aqua Road yet? To me a big part of it is all the hackers. Why you may wonder, because GM’s are too busy chasing and trying to prevent hacking and don’t get time to work on Aqua Road and other new maps. So what does this mean we get instead, dumb quickly throw together Cody Quests. Also the NX Frauders are a big part of bad patches. Wizet / Nexon are having to hunt down the people who fradulently charged and scammed NX. Why is it so hard to play a game legit? I know leveling may get boring, but take a break and train later or if you don’t have NX don’t illegally find ways to get it! The Hackers and NX Abusers are holding us back! So if your currently doing either of these stop being selfish and start playing legit. It will be a start of getting us new maps and it will lighten the load of stuff for GM’s have to put up with and take care of so they can work on better patches.

Anyway I uploaded some pics of Aqua Road. For those who don’t know its an Underwater Map with fish monsters located at the bottom of the Orbis Tower. Enjoy! Thanks for reading if you did.


3 thoughts on “Another Reason Hacking Is Bad.”

  1. on that first pic u didnt cover up ur name and ur chat box =o so the lady that was talkin is o0oSmileyo0o and ur DethPhonix u should remember to cover those up if ur gonna cover em up at all =P well i think nx scammin sucks and yea, thats bout all, buh bye =D

  2. Well these aren’t my screens thats why I covered the names. >.> I guess I missed a few. LoL.

  3. I know that this is an old post, but I just can’t help myself. I’m sorry that you wasted your time writing this blog entry, but the GMs are not programmers. Their job is to play the game and uphold the EULA. A better way of posting that hackers are the problem would be to say: “The programmers have to spend too much time worrying about how the hackers are continuing to hack.” But already, they have started to make some of the options that hackers have obsolete. At the time of this post, there are very few things in MSEA that are not in GMS.

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