my poetry

i will write a poem about MS

there once were the barlogs
with black, iron claws,
killing and stealing and breaking the laws
all of the people lived shaking in fear,
always afreid that a barlog was near
the king of the barlogs made a decree, saying
“everyone must give all thier stuff to me!”

yet in this time, of confusion and strife
4 heros arose, and brought ppl light!

first was the thieves, thier Stars shining bright
weilding the powers of Darkness and Night
next were the mages, with magiks Divine,
with thier Ice and their Fire and Lightning they shine
then there were bowmen, dexterous and strong,
using thier powers to fight what is wrong,
and lastly the warriors, stalwart and brave,
sending the foul barlogs to the grave.

this is my poem
(c) copyright yPOS1, yPOS2, yoseph10, rune h1ppo, and all my aliases

6 thoughts on “my poetry”

  1. Lol i like your poem. Even though it’s BaLRog not BaRLog. But it’s ok i always call them barlogs too. Lol. And what about the Clerics >.< JK

  2. Clerics? Where they go? Makes me feel even worse about my priest. Nevertheless, your poem is alright, lotsa rhyiming. =]

  3. Nice message too bad you have bad spelling (no offence) nice idea with the copyright signs as well

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