Some jokes (Off ToPic)

An 80-year-old man goes for a physical. All of his tests come back with normal results. The doctor says, “George, everything looks great. How are you doing mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace with God?”

George replies, “God and I are tight. He knows I have poor eyesight, so he’s fixed it so when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, poof! The light goes on. When I’m done, poof! the light goes off.”

“Wow, that’s incredible,” the doctor says. A little later in the day, the doctor calls George’s wife. “Ethel,” he says, “George is doing fine! But I had to call you because I’m in awe of his relationship with God. Is it true that he gets up during the night and poof! the light goes on in the bathroom, and when he’s done, poof! the light goes off?”

Oh my God!” Ethel exclaims. “He’s peeing in the refrigerator again!


Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A cell phone on a bench rings and a man engages the hands-free speaker-function and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stops to listen.

MAN: “Hello”

WOMAN: “Honey, it’s me. Are you at the club?”

MAN: “Yes”

WOMAN: “I’m at the mall now and found this beautiful leather coat. It’s only $1,000. Is it OK if I buy it?”

MAN: “Sure, go ahead if you like it that much.”

WOMAN: “I also stopped by the Mercedes dealership and saw the new 2006 models. I saw one I really liked.”

MAN: “How much?”

WOMAN: “$68,000.”

MAN: “OK, but for that price I want it with all the options.”

WOMAN: “Great! Oh, and one more thing….The house we wanted last year is back on the market. They’re asking $950,000.”

MAN: “Well, then go ahead and give them an offer, but just offer $900,000.”

WOMAN: “OK. I’ll see you later! I love you!”

MAN: “Bye, I love you, too.”

The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are looking at him in astonishment. Then he smiles and asks: “Does anyone know whose phone this is?”


A hunter dials 911 and says, “I just shot at something that I thought was a deer but it was another hunter. I’m afraid I just killed him.”

The operator says, “It’s OK sir, it may not be as bad as you think. First, make sure he’s really dead.”

The guy says OK and sets down the phone. Then the operator hears a gunshot. He picks up the phone and says, “OK, now what?”


There was an argument one day in class between the teacher and her student Veronica.

Veronica said that whales can swallow humans.

The teacher said they couldn’t.

The teacher explained that even though whales are humongous creatures, there throat is very small.

Veronica said “What about Jonah? From the bible, you know? He was swallowed!”

Once again the teacher said annoyed, “It’s physically impossible!”

So Veronica replied “Then when I go to heaven I’m gonna ask Jonah himself!”

So the teacher asks, “What if he goes to hell?”

So Veronica answers, “You ask him!”


Top Ten signs that a redneck has been working on your computer

10. The monitor is up on blocks.

9. Outgoing faxes have tobacco stains on them.

8. The six front keys have rotted out.

7. The extra RAM slots have truck parts installed in them.

6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.

5. The password is “Huntin”.

4. The CPU has a gun rack mount.

3. There is a Skoal can in the CD-ROM drive.

2. The keyboard is camouflaged.

1. The mouse is referred to as a “critter”.

Thats all for now

Signed- YoMomma

15 thoughts on “Some jokes (Off ToPic)”

  1. As good as these jokes are, How did they get front page?

    It’s not a blog, Not even about Maple or any of the games.

  2. I liked the jokes, so it gets a like. I like the maple blogs, so it gets a like.

    its a free country, men.

  3. Imppala said: “I liked the jokes, so it gets a like. “
    Click here if you enjoyed this blog.
    I like the maple blogs, so it gets a like.

    You like hundreds of blogs simply because it has “Maple Story” under the title?

    its a free country, men.

    I can’t kill my neighbor.

  4. Lamvao, I take it you are a dunce. Ill try to keep the nastiness to a minimum

    1. I enjoyed the blog. I enjoyed the jokes. Since the blog = jokes, you = pwned.
    2. I give maple blogs a like if I like them. Your point?
    3. Of course. Youd be stepping on HIS freedom. But im free to like what blogs i well, like.

    Good enough for you? Or do you want some more?

  5. Yeah, people like him don’t learn.
    Even I don’t care about the whole “maple blog” thing, and I’ve been here for 6 months. Or more.
    *steps aside*
    Make it so, #1! (Imppala)

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