Mass banning in Khaini

I decided to take a break from studying since I have the week off till my next midterm. So I logged on MS, which I haven’t done for more than a month. . .

At first it was very boring, because not many people were online. So I decided to go on MSN and AIM for a while. Then I saw a guildmember on msn. She said that she was going on MS after her shower, so I went back on MS. Then after a while she came online and we talked and some more members of my guild went online. Suddenly. . . Massbans. Over 50+ (maybe 100+ i’m not sure, because i was afk for a while) characters were banned. So yay for us our ranks went up. . .woohoo!!!. . .*cough*

After a long time a friend, who I didn’t see for a long time, logged on and I started to chat with her. I also added onther buddy to the chat.
After a while of chatting, I saw this GM Notice:

“[Notice] Congrats StabOfSpear, pack your bags! Your headed to Bannination!”

Wow that was the first time that I saw a GM Notice like thatXD.

Well that was my mapleday. I haven’t done anything than screwing around and talking with friends on MSXD. I’ve been online for more that an hour and look at my exp. It was at 4%. 😛

About my drawings. My last MT will be on the third of February. So I might have time to draw after my last MT!

Anyways, everyone have a nice day and bye bye^_^, need to study. . .


10 thoughts on “Mass banning in Khaini”

  1. Oh, you should have stayed on longer. They went on a blitz.
    I watched a guy get banned. XD


  2. I was only on Khaini for an hour yesterday, long enough to watch almost four long paragraphs of blue text pass by <3 I was happeh.

  3. YES YES YES YES YES! MASS BANNING IN KHAINI FINALLY WOOT WOOT. ahh. ima go on mapleglobal site and see all my former guild members get dropped from rank list.

  4. All of this mass banning has gotten me all riled up that I should go do something totally outrageous and crazy! I know! I’ll fill my car up with cobras, set it on fire, and drive off a cliff in to a flaming spike pit while I evacuate in midair with a jetpack and soar to fight a bear! Well maybe that’s a bit extreme, maybe I’ll just eat a jalapeno [chall-uh-pain-oh xP] and subside the spiciness with milk. That’ll do for tonight. But tomorrow’s a new day people,


  5. MasterCheeze said: “All of this mass banning has gotten me all riled up that I should go do something totally outrageous and crazy! I know! I’ll fill my car up with cobras, set it on fire, and drive off a cliff in to a flaming spike pit while I evacuate in midair with a jetpack and soar to fight a bear! Well maybe that’s a bit extreme, maybe I’ll just eat a jalapeno [chall-uh-pain-oh xP] and subside the spiciness with milk. That’ll do for tonight. But tomorrow’s a new day people,


    -Backs away slowly, –

    Lmao ‘Bannination’ 😛

  6. LMAO I was in a Ludi PQ~and one of my PQ members got banned! He had a pass so we had to rush of course, but we ended up missing,


  7. There was one notice in SEA: XXX has been banned for sweeping the floor.

    We figured out later that maybe he was vac-hacking. XD

  8. SilverFx said: “There was one notice in SEA: XXX has been banned for sweeping the floor.

    We figured out later that maybe he was vac-hacking. XD”

    lol XXX had been banned for sweeping the floor without permission.

  9. MasterCheeze said: “LMAO I was in a Ludi PQ~and one of my PQ members got banned! He had a pass so we had to rush of course, but we ended up missing,


    Lol that really suxXD. It’s hard to rush into pqs. . . especially nowadays, because it’s very busy at pqsO_O.

    SilverFx said: “There was one notice in SEA: XXX has been banned for sweeping the floor.

    We figured out later that maybe he was vac-hacking. XD”

    Whaha LolXD.

    Ok. . . I’m going to continue with studying now. . .

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