Noob PQ

I. Hate. PQ’s. With. All. Level. 3x’s. And. Your. The. Only. Level. 4x. X_x


Omg. It started when I was looking for PQ and some level 3x invited me and we got in.There were me, a bandit, 3 clerics and an assassin. They were all level 3x except me. The problem was on the first stage, 3 people went AFK, the assassin and 2 clerics, and the bandit was just standing there waiting for the remaining 2 to finish the stage so anyway the leader (One of the clerics) had NO clue how to PQ. I told him to talk to the ballons and see what to do and he says: Ummmmm……What ballons? Ok so I go: The ballon is down there…..didn’t you see it on the way up?!?!?! Then he says: Uhhhhh….. So I had to go back all the way down and show him (I was almost at the top and we didn’t have haste so that made me mad). Then he takes like 5 minutes reading the instructions and finally says: OH I GET IT! WE HAVE TO COLLECT THE PASSES! I’m like: Wow finally you figure it out genius. Couple of seconds later, the clerics come back from AFK and say: WE MADE IT IN!!! So I just stare at them using F1. So they say: What? Then I, as usual, scream at them. After another 3 minutes of hiding in the corner they come out and the leader FINALLY picks up the passes and we though the next stage. I told everyone i’m going in by myself. Guess what? They went in. After 15 seconds of screaming, I told them specifically NOT to touch the boxes. Of course being the idiots they were, went and hit all the boxes. I sighed and went and hit the box that teleports you to the other map and the everyone goes: WHERE THE F*CK ARE WE?!?!?!?!?! After yet another 20 seconds of screaming we get the passes. During my screaming the assassin wakes up and says: OH MY GOD! WHERE ARE WE?!?!?! I started spazzing at him and saying: GO IN THE PORTAL DOOR AND HIT THE FRIGGING BOXES UNTIL A PASS DROPS OUT FROM THEM. He did this very quickly. I was surprised that we even made it pass the 2nd stage. And the 3rd stage is pretty straight forward to them: Kill the monsters and get the passes. I told 2 people go up and the rest go down. Guess what? They all go up except me and i’m going by my lonely self and bombing all the annoying mob of clustering blockopuses. I finish and I come back up. I see them falling down to the bottom. Yet again I scart screaming at them and they finally come back up. We made it to the 4th stage! I told everyone to mark the portal to go in. They mark the ones they went in surprisingly and the bandit died. Good thing he didn’t have a pass so we could keep going. We made it to the 5th stage and they sensed that I was going crazy. I told them the assassin put on dark sight and go down to the portal down there and that the golems can OHKO you if you touch them. Then I commanded one of the clerics to do the portal at top made for mages with teleport then i told everyone else to mark the portals to go to. They listened this time and I thought to myself: Wow these guys are acually getting smarter -_-“. ok after 10 minutes wasting on this stage because no one knew how to get on the platforms and I had to go in each of their portals and show them. Ok we made it to Stage 6! Finally. I told them the code to get to the top and it takes them 2 minutes to finally figure out to do. By the time they got to the top I already killed 2/3 Rombots/Rombards by myself. I went up to the blockopus and killed it and waited down there and they are just standing where the rombot/rombard spawned. It spawned and one of the clerics starts yelling: OMG ITS A THINGY!!! I think to myself: You think? And we finish it quickly, well acually I killed it mostly, everyone else was trying a useless attempt to hit it. Stage 7 FINALLY! I tell the leader to click when everyone is on a box and I commanded everyone to stand on a box I told them to stand on. To my surprise We got the combo: 12348! I was happy that at least there was something that was lucky for me despite the noobs, and the dying bandit back in stage 4. Ok we made it Alishar with 20 minutes left. I told everyone to prepare for the boss that was coming and the assassin says: THERES A BOSS?????? I ignored him and killed the black rat on the platform and ran to the right side where alishar spawned and no one came with me, I was by myself. Ok alishar is summoned. I attack it with double shot with soul arrow and lucky for me it went after everyone on the left side. It jumped and basically killed everyone except the leader. Then it turned it attention to me. I told the leader to keep healing but he keeps making a pathetic attempt to hit the alishar and I past the alishar and ran toward the leader’s side. The leader just stands there. He dies. I’m the only one left and i’m jump shooting and running away. Then alishar summons master chronos and platoon chronos and I try bombing them a couple of times but it can only hit 6 enemies and there were a lot of chronos and basically they backed me up to a wall and alishar starts jumping up and down against the wall and i’m right up the wall the ran like crazy and finished off the rest of the chronos. I shot the alishar like crazy and I (finally) killed it. I screamed at the party and left it. Then my friend was waiting outside and one of his party members left the party and he rushed me in.

Moral of the story: Never PQ with more than 3 Level 3x’s

This is my first blog…i’m not that gooda writer lol xP.

15 thoughts on “Noob PQ”

  1. Wow, feel sorry for you, what a bunch of noobs! LMAO at the story though had fun reading it. and cracking up.

  2. I am NEVER I repeat NEVER ever gonna PQ with any lvl 3x’s unless they’re my friends. ^^

    I have NO clue why did the leader only invite lvl 3x’s O.o

  3. I know man. Once, this stupid lvl 33s (they were gfs and bfs) did something crazy.
    The guy was like I’ll save you from the king block golems! *dies*
    Nooo honneeeyyy! *jumps in and dies*

    Yeah, they were probably high. I know.

  4. drunkdaddy said: “I know man. Once, this stupid lvl 33s (they were gfs and bfs) did something crazy.
    The guy was like I’ll save you from the king block golems! *dies*
    Nooo honneeeyyy! *jumps in and dies*
    Yeah, they were probably high. I know.”


  5. Actually sadly I didn’t read any of your blog, LOL, I don’t need to. I know what it’s like. And it friggin sucks. Noobs will be noobs, hopefully they grow out of THAT at least by the time they hit 50. Or 51.

    drunkdaddy said: “I know man. Once, this stupid lvl 33s (they were gfs and bfs) did something crazy.
    The guy was like I’ll save you from the king block golems! *dies*
    Nooo honneeeyyy! *jumps in and dies*

    Yeah, they were probably high. I know.”

    LOL Classic. I hope you mean 35 though.>_>

  6. Oh man, Alex. That happened with me in a Kerning pq, but NEVER a Ludi pq. If that happened in a Ludi pq. . . I’d kill myself. Cuz I’m a cleric and I can’t hit Alishar or those ratz or anything. Blehhh DAM noobs are so ghey >_<

  7. I understand how you feel, I was so happy when I hit 50, A lvl 50 Cleric with maxed Bless can finally choose, what party he wants to be in (Got an all lvl 50 party once)

  8. I hate when clerics don’t heal and they attack instead and you say: DONT ATK JUST HEAL!

    That’s really annoying -_-“

  9. Not all lvl 3x’s suck that much. I don’t know why people give them such a bad rep. I know they suck more, but the only time they suck that much is when its their first PQ. And it could be a first PQ at lvl 50. I think the moral of the story is don’t PQ with idiots. I dont entierly agree with the dont attack thing. Clerics should have a right to attack to. Especially when it comes to the whole: I MUST RELY ON THE CLERIC! thing. I should know, I am a cleric. And then 1 guy dies cause I couldnt heal him in time at Rombot (cause I was busy smashing Rombot) and he died. And then he calls me a noob. -_____-. Ppl, its called SOLO CLERICS. Clerics that DO NOT HEAL FOR A LIVING! Life these days is so square. Not all clerics will just keep heal on constantly. And FYI, I am the Solo type. Want more proof? I think you can find some solo clerics around the site.

  10. Why do level 30xs even pq? They should wait until they are level 40 at least, EVERYONE PLEASE READ MY STORIES AND TELL ME WHAT U THINK ABOUT THEM~!

  11. I’m talknig about how noobs can’t even hit alishar -.-“. And when they do hit, they don’t hit a lot and 2 clerics at alishar! 2 Clerics! At the start too they said they were gonna heal; and guess what? they didn’t heal -.-“.

  12. I got in a pq with all level 35’s and one level 45 cleric, though I didn’t need to yell, because as soon as we got in, I said “If you do something that screws us up, you can go on ahead and make a new character, because I will HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE A DOG!.” They were shy level 35’s and they listened to me (even though I was the leader), and I ended up soloing Alishar which I wanted to do.

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