xMaGiKaLx, Hacker hunter

Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
ANyway, these people are all in Scania.
How stupid can they get?

And yes, pic 5 doesnt really have much to do with hackers.
Just an old pic I found lying around.

16 thoughts on “xMaGiKaLx, Hacker hunter”

  1. Nutters . =x
    I Hate Hackers. I get accused of hacking every now and then. All because I possess a Relax Chair.

  2. Scania is THE hacker central.

    Get used to it if your gonna play in scania.

    Better yet leave scania

  3. i have seen alot more ! in my hacker pics folder i got over 70 hacker pics ! i mean 70hackers in scania -.- easy to believe y people say scania is hack central

  4. Actually, I’ve been playing Scania for two years, and I’m not about to quit.
    And Broa is Hacker Central.
    MartinDL is a friggin hacker in the top five of Broa.
    Broa’s never killed Zakum legitly yet.

  5. You should look for higher levels. if a level 15 gets banned, they will make another account and be that level in an hour.

  6. it’s not that hard, go to grupins or crownflyer on weekend at like 3-4 pm for 5min and u’ll find at least 30 hackers

  7. The girl in the third picture is obvious.
    Cseax while healing.
    4th, it’s kinda hard to capture a bandit SBing while Cseaxing on Chronos.

  8. Ergh, I know. I’m so fed up with hackers. >_> I find so many a day. I wish they’d let you report more than once a day >_<

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