GOT to stop…

“[insert name here] has WAY more ‘likes’ than [insert name here]!”

So what? Likes aren’t popularity, nor does it get you more friends/attention. It is only to emphasise the fact that you liked their blog. They put effort into it, you make them feel good about it in return. Or maybe, they wrote a story you enjoyed. Congratulations for them, but don’t go off, holding popularity contests. You could even make some bloggers, that try really hard (and aren’t on a certain list of achievers), feel left out, or hurt.

Making another account, just to give yourselves likes, isn’t a smart idea either. What do you gain out of that? Satisfaction? Money? Reputation? No. And it is kind of obvious if an MMO’er only likes your bogs, has no blogs of their own, never comments or is the first to ‘like’ your blog.

And if you think about it for a second, you are cheating your way up, while Johnny over there worked his way up to the ‘top’. Compare it to Legits and hackers in MS. Same basic concept, ‘some people’ are ruining ‘something’ for ‘someone’ else.

If you still believe ‘likes’ give you popularity, or they make you feel motivated to write more, then please… Earn them fairly!

I don’t really see the point of them but… Beggars can’t be choosers, right?

15 thoughts on “GOT to stop…”

  1. Well with the making new accounts and saying you like your own stuff, it’s saying that you yourself like the blog you made. xP


    SilverFx said: “And. . .what incident inspired this rant? *curious*”

    Was it something I did?

  2. SilverFx said: “And. . .what incident inspired this rant? *curious*”

    T’was not an incident, it was just the fact that I got sick and tired of people rambling on about ‘likes’.

  3. xXVEGGIEXx said: “

    SilverFx said: “And. . .what incident inspired this rant? *curious*”

    T’was not an incident, it was just the fact that I got sick and tired of people rambling on about ‘likes’.”

    EDIT: And Cheezey, if someone is proud of themselves, they should just say it. ‘I’m really surprised with myself! I thought i did pretty well!’

    No need for a like to get satisfaction.

  4. And i have a sneaking suspicion that this is going to be front paged. . . >.<



    True though. But I WILL (try) to match my Zathe. . .


  5. Yes, I agree with err, Zath. Coincidence? I think not! Mischief is afoot and I am one to be cautious. . .


  6. xXyZaThEx said: “Ironic that you get front-paged with a blog that is about “likes aren’t popularity”.


    The people like Veggie’s wise words. Duh.

  7. Oh, I agree with Kiyobi now. Srry Zath, I disagree with you now. xP

    ~Cheezy the Unable to Make-Up His Mind (his mind? Cheezy’s a man?) A strong man at that~

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