[Animation] New series.

Yes. I’m going to start a new series of “Jet Liyah” comics. I thought up the name a few weeks ago, just for fun.
But this morning, I was incredibly bored, so I decided to turn that joke into a series of comics. I think it should turn out pretty well.

Well, you didn’t Veggie would make this blog COMPLETELY pointless, did you? That’s right! I made something for you guys. Here is a poster, advertising the series, like you see in the movies… the only difference is… this one is animated! *CoughAndNotAsColorfulCough*

It may not be extremely complicated, but it was my very first attempt at one. Expect to see more complex/longer animations in the comics!

The Animation

Well, hope you guys enjoy the animation, and the soon-to-be series!
Happy Mapling!

15 thoughts on “[Animation] New series.”

  1. Lol. When you said animation, I immediately started expecting a whole cartoon kinda thing. >.<

    But still good. =P

  2. *bishbishbishbish* XD So cute.

    I thought the same as Rice. This is more like an animated banner. :X

  3. Giving animation to a comic… that’s brilliant! Not even I could have come up with that idea!

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