Alright. I have no idea how I am going to start this thing, so I’ll just jump right in. Very brief though. I don’t want to bore you people.
A lot of things have changed since I last blogged
I moved to Scania. Mostly because I kept going to see Aliyah. It became a sort of habit, so i just decided to make a main character there. I’m doing really well actually. PQing helps a LOT. No need to mention any of the people I’ve met, because they have already mentioned me.
I also ditched my female account, with the awesome lama staff. I now use a male account, so people don’t gawk behind their computer screens wondering what on Earth I was thinking.
I am no longer an Aliyah stalker. Once or twice every two weeks at the most. I decided that I could actually handle having more than a few friends
And Uhh I had to stop making my Jet Liyah’s, too
So here’s the thing My old computer broke. That means all of my ideas for my SAC (see previous blogs) series are lost. I also seem to have a little trouble getting GIMP to work on this computer as well, so I will have to end that series. It’s a little sad too, because I really enjoyed making them, and it was still very close to the beginning of the series. Oh well. I can still try to make comics. If you are lucky. I will make a very short/humorous SAC at a friend’s house for you to enjoy!
Well That’s pretty much it. It may not seem like much, but it’s been one hell of a change.
So yeah Now you know what I’ve been doing for the past few months/weeks. Here’s a picture of my characters. There would be more, but I don’t really take all that many. That’s My Perma PQer (no, duh) and ShakurMan, my I/L mage. level 33.
What I REALLY wanted to make this blog for, was to get something out of my system. Something that’s really been bothering me for a really long time. Idiotic Party questers
[h]THE RANT[/h]
[Leave now, or suffer the wrath of an angry veggie]
This has become such a problem, that as soon as I make a party, I always have to say:-
‘Okay, listen up. I will provide you with a track, with which, you will NOT spam. If you keep me updated on what stage they on, by the time they get to Bonus or ‘Exit’, I can click and hopefully, get us in. When I am sitting in the recliner, It means I am clicking. When I get up, it means we have missed or I have stopped clicking for some reason. If we miss, please do not leave the party. I will try to find another track, and we can repeat the sequence. Please do NOT leave when I am in the recliner. Is everyone clear on the plan?’
I even have that on a notepad document, so i don’t have to type it every time. I thought, by making it as clear as this, that getting in would be a very smooth process wrong. There is no way I can ever find a single party that actually knows what to do. Instead of cooperation, I get:
a) A party that just sits there and expects me to track, get them in AND get them their coupons.
b) Someone who ‘has to go’, 30 seconds before the next party goes in.
c) Someone who defames me for missing.
d) A member who goes to re-pot right at the point in which we should have entered the PQ.
e) People that have no idea what is going on/has forgotten the track.
f) People that leave when we miss, and spam my name later, when I get in.
g) People that ask if I’m clicking, when I’m in the middle of clicking.
There is no possible way you could expect me to do all of that at once without help. You practiacally have me soloing the boss, and gibing you potions because you were too lazy to check to see if you needed them. Seriously. It isn’t called a PARTY Quest for nothing
You really shouldn’t be PQing of you can only play Maple story for 5 more minutes. The most you could do in that time is train a little bit. Maybe buy something for a bargain. But if an average Kerning PQ takes 12 minutes to get in to, and 12 minutes to complete, then I’m afraid you’re 19 minutes short there, buddy. If you only get 10 minutes a day to play Maple Story, TOUGH NUGGIES! PQING AIN’T FOR YOU!
Everyone has a fair chance of getting in. Unless another party Auto Clicks. If there are 3 Parties, and one Auto Clicks, then we have about a 20% chance of getting in, since I only click 130 clicks per 10 seconds, manually. That’s like sending an angry letter to Nexon because a 30% scroll destroyed your item Think about these kinds of things.
You should do that BEFORE you ask to join my party! No point in getting potions for a Party Quest that isn’t going to happen, is there??
Instead of getting angry that you didn’t understand a word I just said, ask another Party member to explain it to you. You can even read a guide. I have no idea how you can know everything about Job advancements, but you can’t understand ‘/find’. I know it is new to you, but if you ask nicely, then people will HELP! Again, PARTY Quest. PAR. TEE.
This one is actually kind of funny. People try to trick you into leaving so that they can get in. Maybe I will screen shot one, someday. Although I enjoy it, to help YOURSELF out, why not just use me as track instead of yelling it out to everyone! One minute, they really want to PQ, and the next, I am their worst enemy!
It impossible to talk AND click at the same time. If I answer, we might miss. If I don’t, you will leave, and we’ll miss. It’s a lose/lose scenario. DON’T DO IT!
But to sum them all up in general WRONG!
I know I’ve been gone a while, and maybe a rant isn’t the right way to get back into things, but I really needed to vent somewhere, and since Basilmarket has had an outbreak of ‘idiot’ and sudden cases of ‘illiteracy’, I decided it would be better to come back to good ol’ MMOT!
Thanks for reading. Enjoy the pics!
PS. A little something for Cheezy. i know you’ll enjoy this. I had a lot of fun with my little cousin heheh. Here she is.
EDIT: Congratulations on your wedding, Aliyah!
Yay, you’re alive! ^-^
Long. Stupid long blogs. =_=
I loved the average nubular things about PQ’s and your responses. =]
Yay, I’m alive! ^-^
Oooh! Pat and I have KPQ’er accounts, Maxxy! <333
Aww. I’m making mine a Ludi PQer. I might make another one for kerning, though! =D
It’s all good–I have a Ludi PQ’er, too! X3
Lmao. Your cousin has an afro.
That did make me laugh. You’re a good man, Veggie. For that, you should add me to your Friend’s list. >D
Done deal!
lol I love pq’ing idiots!
but I mostly pq at night when all the idiots are sleeping!
and also you get into one in 3 minutes so people don’t complain!
~LaZzz. . .
i hate it to when they spam” CLICKCLICKCLICK” and your clicking like crazy
when i miss i calmly tell them that i start clicking when they are on last stage(stupid yeah but it got me into PQs)
so please dont spam click at me when i am getting a humongous cramp in my hand
if that doesnt work, i tell them to shutup and leave the party and ill find sum1 else
I led for OPQ yesterday .
When my friend asked me what I thought about it, I said two words:
Never again.
What is it with people when they just go AFK during some part of the PQ?
Most of the times, I just get out, let them die and lose EXP ._.;;
I really dislike it when the other people in the party tell you to click when you’re already clicking. And what ticks me off the most is when someone leaves the party. For whatever reason it may be, it kind of pisses me off. >< But if one has to log off, I understand. But if they like quit party just because the leader couldn’t get the party in rawr.
And your cousin is utterly flippin’ adorable! ! !