I don’t wanna stop

The magical moment, level 60, first picture.

Next picture, me hoarding a, you know, hoard, of Mixed Golem, fun times, what a great spot, and I found a 60% Glove Att scroll too, so I have 43m Meso.

My friend and I deciding what the magical monster will be, by the first picture you can guess what that most hated first death was caused by. ;D

My friend and I discussing the LAME earrings I got from the level 60 JQ.

LEVEL SEVENTY ONE, and he had no town scrolls, what the blue blazing retardation?

On with yappery, I did the level 60 JQ, the first part was neat, the second part was the most pitifully easy part of any quest I have ever done, just sad, the third part had a few neat quirks, but it too was painfully easy.(Loved the swinging axe things, and how they flung you up instead of away) Overall an okay JQ, not the fascinating problem of the second by a long shot, still my favorite JQ.

Uhm, I left my guild, just didn’t really like it, no one was on, similarly perverted people, but if they aren’t on, where’s the joy? Also, I only liked two people, minus the person who got me in, so that kind of sucks too.

My mace is wonderful, I’m all tickled pink over it, it has a longer reach, I find myself overpowered by the urge to just strut around all of Victoria, gaining admiration and stares of envy, which is just so foreign to me, but I love it. People stopped stealing the top platform I like at Mixed, before I got the gear they’d just walk up and slay them all, followed by my wicked series of veiled insults and sarcasm. Mmm…

Just Say Ozzy.

3 thoughts on “I don’t wanna stop”

  1. 1 comment.



    And that comment wasn’t even pertinent like Omghax. =O

    You’re something special aren’t ya?

  2. The hammer is sexy. ^^

    It does swing something funny though, when you stand still.

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