So im going to talk a little bit about MapleStory now because FlyFF went in to V9 and started sucking so here it comes
If you want to play maplestory at first you have to log in to link or link for different languages and different playing experience, its your choice
When you have registered on one of the sites you have to download the game itself, when you have done that, you are ready to play.
When you come in you log in to your account and choose a world of which your liking, you should never be forced to choose a world only because your friends plays at that world, choose the world that sound most comfortable to you, if you want to get the feel of the world you can make a character on each world and get a feeling of each world and the one you feel most comfortable, and with some nice poeple, START the playing!
When you log in to MapleStory and have chosen a server , its time to make a character with the name you want, the starting equips you want, and the starting weapons. When you start your gonna come in to the game itself you start on a so called ”training island”, you get the feel of the game there and the controls of the game, there is different quests on the ”trainee island” that you can start with, when you have the feel of the game you can go and start the real adventures on Victoria Island.
Now i will tell you about the jobs you can have when you come to different ”levels”.
Magician: When you come to level 8 and if you want to be a magician you should go to Ellinia of Victoria Island. If you want to be a Magician when you level you should mostly take on INT on stats to raise your MP and Magic Attack, the most needed stats for a Magician.
Warrior: If you want to become a Warrior when you level you should take on STR or HP or both if you want to become a decent warrior (everything you take is going to turn you to a decent Warrior.) You should go to Perion of Victoria Island to become a Warrior.
Thief: If you want to become a Thief you should either take on DEX if you want to be a Assassin, on LUK if Bandit. If you want to become a thief you should go to Kerning City of Victoria Island.
Bowman: if you want to become a Bowman ou should mostly take DEX, little HP if you dont want to die >.<. If you want to become a Bowman you should go to Henesys of Victoria Island
I hope this guide will clear all the hating of me because of the other guides O_O Hope u liked it, be honest if u didnt!
Sometimes theres peaople who looks at this kind of sites if there are any information about the game that they are downloading, so yeah, its kinda useless.
FlyFF has a v9 already?!
I think everyone knows this ._.;; General information
@Fenrir: -Takes a shotgun and shoots you sevreal times, and spits on you.-
Ill gather up some more information and come with a new blog about the 2nd and 3rd jobs so u cud wait
If most of the people here has played or is playing maplestory . . . Isn’t this useless ?