The StateMilitary to the Rescue

Hello MMOTers! I’m Xwolf. You guys probably know me as Zerofox’s twin, (The kid who writes “Tales of the Twins”.) or the kid who comments a lot but has written 0 blogs since the day he joined. This being my first blog, I’m not sure how it’ll turn out.

I’m going to be writing an event that happened to my Guild today in military log/story format, so grab some snacks, gather ’round, and get comfy, because here we go!

*Note I refer to our Guild as StateMilitary, although it’s spelled, “StateMiltary” because of the 12 character rule. Also, here are the ranks/characters so you don’t get confused.

Master (Furhrer): Kogekisha, (Koge) level 49 Assassin
Jr. Master (General): Noryoku (Nor), level 49 Spearman
Highest Ranked Member (Colonel): BerryYams (Berry), level 67 Hunter
Highest Ranked Member (Colonel): EmeraldSwan (Emerald, Swan), level 51 Cleric
Highest Ranked Member (Colonel): spazzartist, (Spazzartist, Spazz) level 44 Fire/Poison Wizard
Highest Ranked Member (Colonel): Hedgehog64, (Hedgehog, Hedge) level 41 Cleric
Middle Ranked Member (Lieutenant): Not Involved
Lowest Ranked Member (Sergeant): Not Involved

Stalker: Many various account names; the one I encountered was named yuvking. (Yuvking)


Today, the StateMilitary’s prized level 67 hunter, Colonel BerryYams, sent out a call of distress. Apparently, a new species of moron had been bothering her. “This guy comes up to me and says, ‘u speak proper english?’ I replied, “Yes. I live in the US. O.o” And I quote, and I MEAN QUOTE, “Waht? LMAO waht is that!?”

I laughed and then said, “Grade AAA idiot, ready for butchering.” BerryYams chuckled. I continued to train, unaware that the mysterious stalker would be continuing his theatrics.

A few minutes later, BerryYams reported that the stalker had asked her nonsensical questions, along the lines of, “u have a bf????’ and ‘i????? ‘ Furhrer Kogekisha and I shuddered. “It seems as although idiots find you attractive, Berry.” Colonel Spazzartist chimed in. Spazz had a reputation of teasing the other Guild members in an affectionate manner. “Why me? ;o;” Berry questioned, close to tears. “It’s okay Berry, we’ll all go to therapy with you everyday. ” Colonel Spazzartist, Furhrer Kogekisha, and I were not doing a very good job of cheering up Colonel BerryYams. “Thanks guys. . .” BerryYams muttered sarcastically. “What if we brought some cashmere and Muse?” I grinned. “OK!” BerryYams jumped for joy, dreams of the soft material and her favourite band danced in her head.

Soon after, the stalker logged off. “WE WIN!” BerryYams cheered, as the light of salvation shone happily upon her. “That’s because we’re Super Special Awesome.” I said, giving the chatspeak for the thumbs up sign. [^^b] As a bonus, I even wrote it on the Guild Notice.

On the verge of leveling up, I notice I run out of potions. As I was walking back to the Henesys market, I notice that the Guild chat has become more active again. “Oh no! Another idiot! Help! ;o;” Yet again, Berry had attracted another idiot. But this time it was different. She KNEW this stalker. “I’ll come help you.” Spazz offered. Amazingly, Spazz also knew of this stalker. “On second thought, you’re in Ludi. I don’t like Ludi. . . .it’s too. . .happy.” Berry frowned at her friend. “I’ll help you as soon as I level.” I said, with 4% left to go. “Okay.” Berry’s frown soon turned to a big smile.

Some things happened after the above, although I cannot seem to recall the exact events except for the fact that I leveled up to 49 and Spazzartist had logged off because she said she had to go to the Library.

Somehow, when I was ready to leave my training spot, Berry had migrated to Orbis, along with Spazz. I can’t recall if it were a new stalker who had found our Berry or the same one who had followed, but what I can remember is that something fishy was going down in Orbis. I quickly returned to Amoria, then to Henesys, so that I could board the taxi to Ellinia. Along the way, an important detail was exploited. “The stalker was the same guy from before, but he has like, 5 ACCOUNTS!” Berry cried. “How do you know?” Koge inquired. “Because he just said. >_>” Berry replied. “Whenever he’s not on, I’m like, ‘YESSS!’ but then I get a random whisper, and I know it’s him. Also, my sister wants to know if she can join the Guild.” “Of course she can join the Guild!” Koge chirped. He hastily sent the invite, and EmeraldSwan had joined the Guild! “WELCOME!!!” I yelled excitedly, as I do with each new Guild Member.

We each bought a ticket to Orbis, and waited for this ship. Fortunately, it came within minutes of us buying the ticket. Throughout the ride, I doodled to pass the time. When we arrived, Koge Hasted us and we shot like lightning towards the Orbis tower, to El Nath.

I now, was not exactly fond of the idea of going down the tower. I am emotionally scarred and traumatized by a certain event that happened in that tower for life.


“OK, now I just need to climb up and I’ll be on my way to Ellinia!” I thought, as any naïve newbie would think. Level 21, with 69%, I was heading back to Victoria Island so I could level up. A tragic twist of events, however, ended that dream, as I hopelessly lost all 69% trying to escape El Nath and the blasted tower.

*End of Flashback*

I said nothing as I took my first step into the tower. 28 levels have passed since then, and I have Koge’s Haste to assist me. Emerald, Koge and I swiftly advanced down the cold stone floors until we reached our destination. To our surprise, we found Hedgehog, a fellow Guild Member, standing next the El Nath Market Place Portal. “Hi Hedge!” Koge called to the Cleric. “Hi guys. Haven’t talked to you in awhile. What are you all doing here?” “We’re here to rescue Berry,” Emerald replied. “Want to come?” “Sure.” Koge partied Hedgehog and we were on our way to The Hidden Street: The Crown Flyer.

“The Cavalry is here!” I thought. “HI GUYS! ” Berry exclaimed in relief. “HI BERRY! ” I yelled back. The stalker, a level 8x Fire/Poison Mage by the name of Yuvking, was not pleased. “cc pls.” was his immediate response. He gave up on trying to get us to leave, as we insisted on staying. What shocked me most was that Berry was partied with the stalker. She soon quit her party, and joined our Super Special Awesome one. We talked in Guild Chat, as to not let the stalker know what we were saying. “When I left the party, he was like ‘what? why’d u leave’?” Berry quoted. “Because our party is Super Special Awesome.” Koge grinned. “YEAH!” I yelled in agreement.

Yuvking had CCed back and forth a few times during out chat by now, and had soon logged off, which we considered our victory. “WE WIN!” Berry shouted triumphantly. We trained for a little bit, with Berry doing most of the killing. I also decided I would write this story as a blog on MMOTales. Hedge had died because Emerald had left, and he was AFK so he couldn’t heal himself. I decided to go back to El Nath before I ended up like him, because I had a whopping 0.08%. (I don’t like to die, regardless of my percent.)

I will soon be heading back to Victoria to accomplish my goal of level 50 before the end of this week. (Although it looks like that dream is pretty far-off. . .)

-General Noryoku, over and out.

This was my very first blog, although I’m not that new to MMOTales. I was just too lazy to write anything up until now. I’m kind of sad though, because now I won’t have the white space under my comments anymore. ;-;

In my story, you will notice I used the forbidden chatspeak and the like, and it’s because I was trying to keep the quotes of the people as accurate as I could, although I apologize to anyone who still wouldn’t find it acceptable in this case. Some of the quotes were modified slightly however, due to memory loss and the real-life names I withheld for the safety sake of my Guild Members. (I know, I’m the Jr. Master so technically it’s not mine, but because the leader is Zerofox, my twin, we share the leader title in a way.) I hope you enjoyed my blog.

8 thoughts on “The StateMilitary to the Rescue”

  1. Those screenshots involve me making a typo of with. I wrote ‘wuih’ by accident.

  2. Zerofox said: “Those screenshots involve me making a typo of with. I wrote ‘wuih’ by accident.”

    You wrote wuih LOLOLOLOLOLI00L0L0LI0LI0LI0L!111L0L0L1!11ONEO!11ONE!11 ELEVEN1!11


    Erm. I wonder what would happen when the character migrating system is made.
    Would all the hackers move to scania? Or scammers? Plenty people to scam

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