Balrog the Teddy Bear

Here’s a story I’m going to tell you… completely true. An authentic Tomo original. ^-^ Oh, but it takes a while to get… fun. So… keep reading >< Enjoy!

Think of the universe as a white box. Completely white. And there’s nothing in it but one little fire. And that fire grows quickly, depending. You see, there’s oil and it’s spread out all over the white box. But on some places there isn’t oil. Those places are the born kind, always nice, already going to Heaven kind. The oiled parts are the people– or ones that are vulnerable. And think of it like the fire is evil. Okay? And it’s like, life’s all in slo-mo. The fire consuming slooow-lyOnce you get that, then you’re set and you can continue reading!! This is where the fun begins.

Okay, so Balrog come, ‘kay? And he steps in the fire. And the fire is, like, Hell. It’s all pain and torture. Like no hope in survival. So Balrog comes and steps on it, ’cause, y’know, he’s all goody-goody. He’s the good kind. So naturally he steps in it to stomp it out, ‘kay? But he didn’t know that by stepping in it, he was going to become eevvill! EEVVVIIIILLL!! Ahem* Alright, so he’s evil. But first, before he’s evil, he feels pain. So so much pain. His eyes start to bleed, his skin is peeling off, he’s sprouting scratches everywhere. And because he doesn’t have skin on some parts, once he gets scratches… Well, you know the rest. Anyway, his lungs are popping, and his heart, his pure part, was run through. But through all this, Hell makes him still alive. So obviously he’s feeling a LOT of pain.

So then Balrog’s evil. He goes around killing people, peeling off their skin, battering them thoroughly, making their eyes bleed, then grabbing their eye and pulling it out of its socket. Ouch. But, after quite a while, a mage came. He was so nice, he was powerful, and most importantly he was kind (or nice). And he came across Balrog. But instead of running away screaming for his mommy, taunting Balrog, or trying to hurt him at all, he says hello. Just a simple, hello. And Balrog, confused over this sudden kindness, stuttered. Was someone really being nice to him? He had always been shunned and condemned. What was this? This feeling…

Balrog was happy. He stopped killing and became friends with the mage. Soon he found out the mage’s name was Matt. Matt6390. He was so happy! Then, for some strange reason, Balrog turned into a teddy bear. He was an ugly teddy bear, but his insides were pure. And Matt kept him. Matt was nice to him to matter what– even though people made fun of his terrible taste in teddy bears, and him even HAVING a teddy bear, he was still kind. He laughed with his condemners and always said hello. Balrog was so happy! But something that Balrog didn’t know was that Hell had made more of him. Copies of his terrible side. But Matt, with his power, confined the copy Balrogs into some places. Like a few summoning bags and the dungeon. And everyone was at peace.

It’s now a century since that time. Matt is still alive for everyone knows Maple characters never die. I mean, without coming back. And nearly everyone forgot that Matt was their Balrog savior. Oh, nevermind. EVERYONE forgot that he saved them from Balrog. Today there are stronger people like Tiger and Sushi. But Matt continues to shower his friends with kindness, slowly leveling, although not caring for that.

Happy tomorrow Gobble Monkey Day, guys!! And please remember the reason we have this holiday. For Thanksgiving!! Happy days, keep safe.


3 thoughts on “Balrog the Teddy Bear”

  1. , DDDDDD

    Funny story. It’s kinda gore-y though. Still kinda funny.
    Well– Happy Gobble Gobble Day to you too!

    Eat turkey–
    And prosper.

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