A Tomato’s Not a Fruit~ 5~

Raine woke up but stayed in bed for a bit. She stared at the ceiling and smiled. It was the good life.

Raine blinked and tried to remember what was at the back of her mind… Oh, yeah! It was… HOLY CRAP SHE HAD TO GO TRAIN….!!! Raine jumped out of bed and quickly ran a comb through her hair, brushed her teeth with a sharpened stick, and rushed down the ladder.

“Peace! Peace! You said you would level me–” Raine stared. She looked into his eyes with hers. He wasn’t Peace.

“What did you do to Peace?!” Raine slammed a book on the stranger’s head then hurriedly ran to find her sword. “Hey! I– wait don’t– you’re… YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO USE THAT SWORD ON PEOPLE!!!!” Raine chased the stranger around the room waving her sword. “YEAH, YOU BETTAH RUN!!” Peace walked into the house and blinked, suprised. “Raine! What– STOP!!” He grabbed her arms. Raine growled.

“Oh. Peace, you’re okay!”
“Well, yes but… Why were you chasing KaosSavage?”
“Oh! Ummm, no reason! Just.. uh.. erm… Practicing! I mean… getting ready for training! Yeah, that’s it! I think… wait, right?” Raine stumbled over the words. “Well. I coud’ve taken her–” Raine threw a book at the boy. “What’s your name? And why were you here?” Raine asked. “Andrew. And I was GOING to do Maya’s quest so that her cold could be healed.” Kaos said, “Well, my little tomato, why were YOU here?” Raine blinked. Did he just call her a tomato? That name went waaaay back into her past… (See chapter 1)

Raine thought the boy looked like a cute little potato. He was of age… fifteen by her eyes. “You’re fifteen, aren’t-cha?” Now it was the boy’s turn to blink. “Well– yes but, how did you…?”

“Raine knows and sees things with her eyes by looking at others’ eyes.” Now it was Peace’s turn to speak. “Would you like to stay for training? My little POTATO.” Raine mocked him. “Sure.” Then he laughed.

3 thoughts on “A Tomato’s Not a Fruit~ 5~”

  1. Lol nice blog! It’s pretty funny. Nice grammer, spelling, and punctuation.

  2. i like ur stories. heres something that u need to improve: when people talk, please create another paragraph. sumtimes its hard to understand

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