A Tomato’s Not a Fruit~ 4~

When Raine woke up she had dozens more questions swimming in her head. Raine quickly got up and went to go ask Peace. Peace was talking to Maya about some things and nearly jumped out of his robe when Raine came downstairs. “Y-yes??” “Well, I was just wondering… how did you get the name godofpeace?” “Mh! Ah, yes! At the beginning, when you’re ranked level one, you can choose a name, but He has to agree. So I think I remember me choosing ‘godofpeace.’ He agreed and so there we go~”
“Then what’s my name?”
“Raine, of course.”
“No, I mean the name He gave me.” Peace blinked and cleared his throat.

“Uhm… ugh.. yeah… I’ll, uh, tell you… later!” Raine looked at him. Something was wrong and he wouldn’t tell her what. “Why don’t I teach you to find other’s name that He gave them?”
“Sure!” Raine said cheered up already.

Raine was dizzy after he taught her. He had said that it was different for everybody. He used his magic, and she learned to use her eyes. To bore down the other person’s eyes and learn. She found that that worked a lot. “Nap. Now. For… ten minutes? Then I’ll train you.” YAY!! She would finally level! But she still had a few more questions… “Before I nap, what’s Experience? Or Exp.?”

“You need a hundred percent. 100% of Exp to level. Bed. Now.”
“Okay, okay! Jeez, I mean, what’s with you and naps…?!” Raine grumbled and left to nap.

7 thoughts on “A Tomato’s Not a Fruit~ 4~”

  1. sometimes titles arent always about deh story. and theres a tomato part. in the first, chapter thingy, o_O kya~~ ^^

  2. O_O;; Yesh, tomatos, are not fruits, there carnivorous microrganisms planning to destry penguins with a 34×36 megaton plasma beam cannon that shoots twinkies O_O;; OMG ITS THE END OF THE WORLD RUN coolwhatBBQHAX

  3. omg chicken! lolz u like commented on every chapter-thingy! ^^ thank u!

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