Ok, so if you remember me I wrote about how I liked a guy he was engaged and blah blah right? Well! I’m back with a new story that if you look at title its pretty easy to tell what its about. This is what has happned within this week and last week.
. We started going out
. We’ve got engaged
. We are getting married sometime this week or next week
Now since I will prob get comments saying who asked who let me explain that. I was talking to my guy friend and I told him that I liked him, I then asked him if he would ask for me in whisper. About 2 minutes later I got a whisper from “him” saying ” Will you go out with me? o.o”. Obviously I said yes . So that’s the story about who asked who. At first it felt a little weird maybe because we just werent use to it? Then about after a week we were more comfortable with it. If a guy came up and starting asking me out and annoying me he would be so sweet and say ” Hey! She’s with me!” and thats something I thought was real sweet! Most of you guys are probably like…. Thats your defintion of sweet? Lol. Yup it is! Next bulletin was let me check, oh ok it was the engagement. So we went to amoria just talking and walking around we were by moony. Then he comes by me and was like ” Will you marry me?” I just saw someone so I didn’t notice till I turned around. Then I was just in so much good shock like stunned by I said yes again. Thats that anyways now we are up to the wedding correct? This is were we had the most trouble. Because me and my “ex-friend” were in a fight and he was still friends with her so we weren’t sure if we should actually invite her or not. It was actually two people but one of the people we have settled our differences as I put it. Now the 7th I still have a bit of a conflict with the other person. To me I don’t care because as long as we are still together I can handle her at the wedding.
Edit 12.12.07: I corrected a little of my spelling I was happy and in a rush to write this so yea.
Also I have noticed people have been saying stuff like how do you ms date? Well it really depends on what you guys like to do. Me and my ms bf just walk around talking and stuff like that. If you are gonna say but you dont even know him. Thats not true I have known him for almost 2 years and I got his personality down. Like I said it really depends on what point of view you see this at and what you guys consider “dating”. My defintion is that its when two people who care about each other are going out spending time with each other. But hey, thats just my definition.
Thought I’d be the first one.
Tay’Kay~ But I don’t get how do you date in MS.
Do you just like say: “Bend Over”? D:
Anyway, congratulations.
Wait. You’re going to get married in real life?!
wait. . .you guys getting married in Real life?
And if not, how do you have a date on maple?
Isnt it basically just like training?
@Fenny: Ew. Just. . . ew.
Congratulations on the marriage!
How is that gross? >>;
Oh dear, I think i have corrupted someone’s mind. ):
And not have done so intentionally too.
@blogger: Congrats.
Grats :]
Erm, Grats, but, erm, it IS a game, o.O
HunDaemon. It doesn’t matter if its a game <_< The people playing the game are real people. With a personality, and feelings.
People fall in love, it happens.
Congrats to you, and your partner.
I’m so happy for you, that everything is working out. You probably feel blessed at whats happened in the past while. Also your definition of Sweet is totally understandable in my opinion. I know that if I had a good friend and some dude started harrassin me my friend might just lie and say he was with me, to get the bugger off my back. Anywho good luck in the future and early congradulations on the wedding!
-shales hand feircely-
Oh crud.
I meant DW4E.
My bad. >>;;
Ok let me clear some confusion here. First off Ty to all the grats =] I’m glad ppl have been reading it. 2 Im not getting married irl =O 3. Ms dating is just like irl dating but its more easier in my objective. You hang out talk hunt places believe me there is plenty of stuff that you can do.