this is for u idiots who keep ur LUK 3 lvls higher than ur lvl from lvl 2-8…not my fault u get 326 MP if u dont follow my guide (got it from another guide o.0)
I made this guide, if any of u ppl care…
mages r the blah blah blah..skip the intro…
ur abilitys should be like this:
Str:4 or 5
Dex:4 or 5
INT:8 or above (anything if ur lazy)
Everytime you lvl, u should put points into Luk until 13. This way u will get more MP. Once its 13, put the rest into
Training Spots
1-5(1-3 or 4 if ur lazy) Jr. Sentinals
5-8 (5-7 if ur lazy) Green Snails
Note:If you stopped at 7 and at Victoria Island, Train on Snails there. They give u more Exp. % to be accurate.
Once your lvl 8, go to Ellinia and make your Job Advancments.
Skill Build-Do this build in order
1 Energy Bolt
5 Mp Recovery
MAX Mp Increase
MAX Mp Recovery
MAX Magic Claw
MAX Magic Gaurd
Note:The reason Magic Armor is because Magic Gaurd is better. For Example: If a Balrog hits a 1000 on u, and have Magic Gaurd on, you will take 240 Damage and rest of the damage in ur Mp. If you had Magic Armor on, you will take 9xx damage and rest in Mp. See? Magic Gaurd is better.
Training spots
8-12 Ellinia Slimes and Stumps
10-12 Henesys Training Grounds 1 if ur lazy
12-15 or 18 Henesys Training Grounds
18-20 or 22 Ellinnia Dungeon Green and Horny Mushies
22-26 Dungeon Ant 3-5 or Kerning PQ
26-30 or 28 or 29 Kerning PQ
28 or 29-30 Dungeon Evil Eyes
Make your Job Advancments
You will have 17xx MP. If you DIDN’T follow my guide like having Luk higher than your lvl at the beginning, u will have 16xx MP.
Hate you ppl…and defamed me for NOT being a noob like u…Not my fault u lose alot of money and quited…Screw you.
If any of u ppl who defamed me and reading this… Go to hell…
(Deleting this blog in 4 hours)
(>^^3)> A Kissy-Kirby Production(>^^3)>
Seriously, deleting this blog in 4 hours o.0
Well, Quite alot to comment on. For one thing you state this isnt your guide and you took it from another one, then you state it is. Also, the reason people keep luck 3 above thier level is because that is the minimum luck to wear Mage equips and weapons at that level(In other words, If we followed your guide we wouldnt be able to wear anything better than the level 8/10 Mage equips). Magic Guard makes MP take 80% of the damage so if you were hit 1000 damage, you would actually take 200 Damage to HP, rest to MP. Also, Magic Armour doesnt put the extra damage in MP, it simply dissapears as it is. And this is called a Luckless mage, which is quite ineffective because after level 43 there are no wands/staffs you can equip. Also, your guide is NOT better than other guides, but neither are they better than yours.
look see, umm, ur comment o.0, o.0, ahh w/e,
now ur gonna make me have -xxxxxxxx fame o.0
(>^^3)> A Kissy-Kirby Production(>^^3)>
Look you will still have to have your Luk 3 lvls higher than ur lvl. but u have to keep ur Luk on 13 and rets into Int. when u become lvl 11, u will have to lvl Luk once. so if u think to keep Luk 13 forever until the end of time, your wrong. o.0
(>^^3)> A Kissy-Kirby Production(>^^3)>
Sorry for all the sad faces, but I agree with Cbouncerrun apart from the fact that your guide is worse.
Erm, I’m sorry, but your guide made no sense. Do you or do you not continue to add Luck after level 11? It doesn’t seem like you can make up your mind about that. Please clarify.
Also, I know I’m a stickler about this, but please use proper grammar and spelling. It makes things so much easier to understand. It’s only two extra keystrokes to type out “you” instead of “u”. Give your fingers some exercise!
Also, Cbouncerrun isn’t going to make you lose fame unless he himself/she herself actually takes it from you. So, don’t go making empty accusations. >_>
look, if u dont get what im saying then dont post. im deleting this blog in 3 more hours anway
i may sound like a noob but how do u do a sad face, is it
I’ve seen better.
u max mp increase then magic claw then recovery -___-, i mite get flamed,but ppl needa use pots instead of w8ing around,and ull have no power at all :3
your statement about magic armour and magic guard is totaly off, did u just trow in random numbers?
hehe sad faces
kevinangel, 70/40 ur right,
lol took my old label XDDD
doesn’t make sense,
*scratches head*
To get an ideal roll for a mage is to get a 10 or 11 in INT and the rest4/5
During leveling in Maple Island, raise upyour INT by 30 then put the remaining into luk. Afterwards make sure that your LUK is 3+(your current level). If you have any remaining AP points put it into INT, it will cause more damage in the long run.
After you’re done with that, and you’re level 8 and making your job advancement and that good hoohaa, always make it so that you put one point into LUK and four points into INT everytime you Level.
For the Skill Points. You would want to put your first SP into Energy Bolt Once you level you put your first batch of SP inot Improving MP Recovery and bring that up to 5 (or is it 6?) until Improving Max MP Increase is now available then you put the rest (ifany is left over,and I know there will be SP left over).
Once you put 1 SP into Energy Bolt, you don’t touch this skill anymore.
You will need to max Improving Max MP Increase first. Then continue with Improving MP Recovery and max that now. Now you’ll need to work on Magic Guard, Magic Armor just sucks. Max Magic Guard then work on Magic Claw last. So it’ll look like this.
Lvl 8: 1 SP -> Energy Bolt
Lvl 9: 3 SP -> Improving MP Recovery
Lvl 10: 3 SP -> Improving MP Recovery
Lvl 11: 2 SP -> Improving MP Recovery, 1 SP -> Improving Max MP Increase.
Lvl 12: 3 SP -> Improving Max MP Increase
Lvl 13: 3 SP -> Improving Max MP Increase
Lvl 14: 3 SP -> Improving Max MP Increase (Maxed)
Lvl 15: 3 SP -> Improving MP Recovery (that’ll be 8 into Improving MP Recovery)
Lvl 16: 3 SP -> Improving MP Recovery
Lvl 17: 3 SP -> Improving MP Recovery
Lvl 15: 2 SP -> Improving MP Recovery, 1 SP -> Magic Claw,
And it goes on like that until you reach thirty, and everything is maxedout before then, I would go on but yeah, X_x I can’t remember everything off the top of my head. Since almostall my characters are Mages for the exception of one, who’s a hunter.
idk delete it
whoa it didnt get deleted?!?! weird. . .i tot i did o.0
MMORPG, fine i won delete it. . .
Depends on the person because, if they are well supported and can afford MP pots then I would recomend to put your skill points like this in this order: 1 Energy Bolt, 5 MP recovery, MAX Improving MP, MAX Magic Claw (You can stop at 10 Magic Claw and save up Points because at level 11 the MP cost doubles, you can save up about 5 points then put them all into Magic Claw then just put points in like normally), MAX Magic Guard, then MAX MP recovery. Note: This build is for people that don’t play conservative and have characters to support them.
lol my friend (real life) just said to max energy bolt and 1 in magic claw if ur funded
=( eh trying to get a sad face so don’t read this
umm, i saved up alot of money and was thinking about a luckless mage,
ne tips? (this blog confuses me)
luck-less mage, become a friken rich b!tch (plz dont ban me~! *cries*)