I had a failure PQ party last night.
I don’t know how many attempts to get in I waited around for since I played PS2 the whole time.
I failed Tony and Kristie. I suck, I know.
Yea James, you dissapointed me. I mean, we’re just waiting around… waiting for you go come home from your diarrhea inducing Mexican dinner, and what happens? You go off with another friend? Is this the kind of commitment I should now expect from you? Clever lies and deceit spew from your heretic mouth! Perhaps the PQ failed miserably because you weren’t there!
Bahahaha, I kid. It *was* pretty lame though. Just… sitting around….. reading endless crap people spam on the public chats… it gets pretty irritating. Oh well. Perhaps I shall watch Zeta Gundam today! Haw haw! Internet! (serious business)
I hate when you have a noob leader that just stands around with a card window open. And then they ask you to be leader, and start spamming GOGOGOGOGOGOGO!While you are vigorously clicking and the people inside are hogging.
awwww man, It’s nothing like the title.
I thought you were gonna talk about stomach bile,
dont worry. what world are u in? i made in pq 7 times yesterday in 2 hrs and 30 minutes.
Heh, I like your writing style. The attitude you show, the words you use. . .
-thumbs up- (especially the title XD)
Well, good luck PQ’ing. . . >_> And congrats on selling stuffz ^^
And pendragon08, it seems as if he’s in either Scania or Bera if he has a pumpkin basket. . . (Or maybe Broa as well. I don’t remember when Broa came out. . .)
Ew. Stomach bile? That’s a nasty thought. >__<;
Nice blog. ^^;
~ Panda