The only reason I’m putting the type of this entry as General is because I had enough not-bad experiences to counter the single crappy experience I incurred not too long ago. Behold! My horrible, horrible luck. I had a 82 attack Golden Crow, 4 60%’s, and 2 10%’s. Only two 60%’s work. So now I’m stuck with an 86 attack Golden Crow with one slot left, and I am disappointed at myself. Well, a bit more at Maple for bestowing upon me this trash, but overall, I’m irked.
However, if you took a closer observation at this blog, You’d have noticed that I, MacGyver, have hit level 60. Yes, the big 60. In fact, there are two blatant reasons of why you should have figured out I hit 60. 1. I just ranted about scrolling a Golden Crow, a level 60 weapon. 2. It says so on the bloody page! But that makes me a presumptuous cock, so disregard this paragraph if it does not apply to you. If it does, soak it in, because you … something something.
A bunch of nice people in my guild donated some things to me. A spearman gave me a 6 DEX black polyfeather, another spearman gave me a 5 DEX blue tai (which I promptly scrolled with 100%’s to give me 15 DEX), and a Ranger gave me his blue gore boots. Their selfless acts of charity warmed my heart and made me want to do something that did not involve pain; whether it was physical or mental, I do not know. End note, I hate scrolling.
So I’m buying a pre-scrolled Golden Crow! Screw chances, let money reign! Capitalism and entrepreneurship at its finest. Of course, I only have five million mesos to spend, so hopefully it does not get too high. Now, some may be wondering where the other fifteen million mesos went. Easy, an 8 attack work glove. And no, I did not get it for fifteen million, per say. A chap in my guild was selling one, so I offered to pay fifteen million mesos as down payment and give him arbitrarily spaced payments until I had given him fifteen more million mesos.
I’d also like to say that the black polyfeather does not go too well with my cash shop outfit, but I must say I look very professional without my cash shop outfit on. In fact, I look like a bowman that I wished I could be when I was level twenty. Now that I am that bowman (a crossbowman, rather), I do look a bit intimidating, so I wear my cash shop items to dumb me down so I can get some conversations started about my hilariously pink outfit.
What I’m trying to say here is that black does not go with pink very well. Gosh.
Other than leveling, attire, and a defective set of Lucky glands, I did manage to attend a wedding. I didn’t get any prize, and it sucked hard, but I did have a kick out of watching the bride disconnect during the portion where one kills cakes and candles for keys. I laughed so hard. Maybe that’s why I failed scrolling; I blame karma. Oh, wait. I can’t blame karma.
One last thing, and that’s my level 26 magician. I got fairly angry at the fact that my party could not find a cleric to do a full Orbis party quest with, so I decided to make a cleric. Of course, I played it for four days, and then decided to level my crossbowman. Oh well, it was a brief stint that allowed me to play with the characters of my real life friends. Also, you’ll know that it’s a female, AND you’ll get a prize if you figure out what its name means.*
So, I’m quite happy that I’m sleeping ATLEAST an hour earlier than I usually do, so I’m fairly content. I hope this has entertained you all, or something to that nature. Good night internets.
*Note: I lie.
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Oh oh oh oh her name is special ha I think I got it I think
