I know this is a little late…actually really late..but the whole time since the new patch came out (gpq) I’ve been trying to fix it.
I was like super dooper happy excited went i found out the gpq patch was coming out like I actually spammed for like 2 hours with my friends about it.(real maple nerds o.o) Training was completely boring for me on my recent priest that also recently got hacked so this was like…fresh water on a deserted island.. for me & friends that had the same problem.
Zombie channels are always filled and zpq is too….time consuming. So lately I just walk around stalking my friends and hanging with my bf &bff. On my screen you’ll like never see my exp bar go up..maybe a couple .01’s eventually, but you’ll always see my exp bar go down..I’m always dying and taking on trips that are wayyy too much for my char (like rogging)..its always useless.
I would admit that one of my friends had showed me how to hack and I had a sin hacked up to lvl.63, then to get banned in like a week or two later. That stopped me, I had lost alot of my friends from that. ;o (they all realllllllly hated hackers) Maple was getting like seriously boring after that so I made my cleric (*Completely legit) and soon got up to lvl.64. Zombie chnls were like the best training grounds for me so after many, MANY ks wars ,and annoying looters I soon found my beloved cleric at lvl. 69. (Yay for me!) My second 3rd job char. =D.
After doing the quest for grendel, and the quiz I restocked on pots and headed over to Nath to fight the old wizard. Successful and soooo happy to have that over with I headed back to the ‘old zombie grounds’ to continue training, then eventually getting majorly bored and logging.
Days later the new patch came out (YAY) and I opened maple to download the patch. The usual screen popped up and took me like 15 minutes to download the gpq patch. I had walked out into my kitchen to find some food when I had started to download it and when I came back it had closed.
“Ok, no problem”, I had thought “I just got dc’d thats all”.
So I clicked on the Maple icon for the second time that day and waited to hear the maple music and the logg in page. Although I had no suck luck, instead of the familiar screen Maple completely closed down and everything was blank. This was really strange to me so I restarted my computer, and once again reclicked maple.
This time the box in the top left corner didn’t even appear…and it was like I didn’t even try to acess it. I must have redownloaded Maple like 10 million times by now (Not Really) and it does the exact same thing every time D; I have even rebooted me computer and it still doesn’t work…
Being me I couldn’t just not go on when there was a sweeeeeet patch happening so I walked for an hour to the nearest library (which wasn’t that close -_-) and downloaded it onto one of the computers. Eventually my time ran out and I walked all that way back to my house to fool around with my computer in hopes to fix it. No luck as usual, and I’m still trying to fix it.
I know that was a little…maybe a lot off topic but…if you have any ideas how to fix it coments are liked thanks sorry if this was rushed need help fast <3 Thanks
Like my very intelligent friend says: “If you’re computer ain’t working *squeek*, then just restart it. I’mma Mowsy *squeek*”. You can tell I have very fudged up friends. -_- One’s a chink, the other’s a dink, and then there’s a Mouse-Ki.
lmao ;O
I think that a lot of people have been experiencing the same problem. You would probably find a better answer by googling it. I’m too lazy to check myself xD
lmao okes o.o” but wait me lazy too, -sleeps-
Nice, and I have no absolute clue about your computer promblem sorries :/
Hm, have you reset your computer yet ? Like, a couple days/weeks before the patch then tried it again? If you didn’t try that cause I had the same problem and that fixed it for me and if not I agree with vicelin google it =P