Yay first blog 😀
Currently I am a 48 archer… I want to get to lvl 50 really badly…
I have gotten a new NX look and alotta girls think I am cute *feels all warm inside*
I wanted to reach 50 so i can get my new equips dusted and along with my NX look hoping to impress this girl.
Wish me luck 😀
O and the screenie is one of the earliest for my hunter.
Looks aren’t everything you know.
I’m sorry, but you’re not level 49, which is what you put into your profile.
I don’t like your looks either.
Blue Bamboo hat, Brown Piette Top and Bottom, Pansy Earrings, Red Whitebottoms, Aqua Board (rofl), and weird eyes.
You aren’t exactly dressed to impress, ya know?
Lol Epic lay off the poor guy. It’s true looks aren’t everything. In fact, looks can be deceiving.
-=The Nazgul=-
BlackNazgul, if you italicized “deceiving”, then I would have taken offense to that =D
But that is like the greatest comeback ever, lawls.
But he does imply that he attracts girls and does want to impress them =P