Lethe. A band of Brothers.

Zeoldan stood in the shadows of Kerning City. This had been his home for ten years, ever since he left Maple Island at the age of five. As he looked down at his maple claw he remember’d his youthful days, carless, ignorant to all the pain and suffering there was in the world, there he grew up with his three best friends, Xeoldan, Cyrus, and Darius. All three aspired to be great adventurers. They had spent their days on Maple Island hunting snails, shrooms, and even in their fifth year on the island managed to hunt in the horrid garden of Orange Mushrooms.
After they had grown strong (and wealthy) enough to make their leave of Maple Island to head to Victoria Island, the pinnacle of the known world. Where begginers could live up to their aspirations and become one of four occupations. The first which was persued by Cyrus was Swordsman which was a fierce warrior of the North, known by their courage and ferocity in battle Cyrus was a shining star among his kind in Perrion. Darius went on to become an Bowman. He was a keen-eyed boy with the stability and dexterity required to become one of this exclusive order. Zeoldan went on to become a Theif, in Kerning City he found the Dark Lord, Zeoldan soon found he had a talent with the claw and throwing star and quickly advanced to Assasin. Zeoldan was agile, stealthy, and ruthless. He would go on to become one of the most famous Assasins ever to grace the Island of Victoria. Xeoldan the most powerful of the four companions. He became a magician. He studied under not Gendel the Wise but Alcaster. Alcaster was a powerful Magician who studied not conventional magic but a tainted, dark magic that would engulf any one who would be desprate enough to dive into its dark pool of knowledge.

Zeoldan looked into the sky from the rooftop of Kerning City, and he wept he looked down upon his arm and rememberd the horrors of his life. And sadly this was just the introduction into his torrent of misery

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