Hello Everybody ^^

My real name is Joshua. I play maplestory. Some way know me as TwoRivers, a level 43 cleric, other may know me as Theif4Hire, a level 34 BanditSin. I’ve been reading some blogs here and they are really good. Some of my personal favorite stories are Maple Academy, Maple Wonders and BanditSin. I likes a few more, well i likes a lot of em i read, but those are three that really stood out. I just entered High School (yay me) and I just have to say that… if your not there yet… DON’T MAKE IT A GOAL OF YOURS. -pants- Oh well nothing i can do about the crappyness of school, even though i do enjoy my Engineering class, and kinda Geometry. I only like it though because a girl i like sits next to me. O well not your issue. This is kinda off topic, but i couldnt find an other category. My parents wont let me have a my space, so im just gonna rant about my odd life here, and maybe write a story or two. I have a few new friends (Sorin, Korry, Jen, Judith, Luke, Tim, Brandon, Miles (Inches), Cole, Orlvillle, well i have made a lot so im not gonne list like 40 kids here) and there pretty cool. I do miss my old friends from my Middle School, but im trying to adjust. My friends see me as REALLY QUIET, but really funny or smart when i have something to say. I just dont like to waste words if i dont have to. Ok so umm just saying hi to people that may know me or may not. Id really like to make some friends here so if anyone wants to be mt friend, don’t hesitate to ask. Well thats all for now.

-The stars are mine to control, for I am the king, and they are my subjects-

5 thoughts on “Hello Everybody ^^”

  1. I think I may have seen one of your characters around and about actually.
    Or Maybe that was assasin4hire.
    Either way its nice to have you here!

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