How To Get Scammed (True Story)

Well… the title obvoiusly lends off to the fact that I just got scammed. This is 100% my part because I actually trust 13 – 15 year olds to keep their word when I don’t even know them… just.. stupid.. me. Let me start of by explaining who I am, a person who actually believes little kids have some form of innocence within them. Che, screw that, next time I find a little one playing MS through the window of a house I’m going to run right over them with my Nisan Maxima. Sigh. I didn’t lose that much. $20. meh. It was my money I worked off so I don’t feel bad toward my parents. I just feel like a retarded 17 year old who just got scammed by a person 3 years her junior.

Now to the actual story. (Mean player’s name here) did pq’s (not specifying) with me early in the morning and seemed like a nice guy. Already dressed with NX items, he led the party well and even added all party members in order for us to pq again. After he left, I stayed on awhile (lol, quite the while) and then signed off. When I went back on again, (mean player) asked to trade millions of meso for nx cash. So, due to us having “known” each other i decided to consent since he so openly gave me his username and password. And promised his pin later. Well, stupid me. I gave him $20 in NX cash while on his i.d. and using my debit gift card did the transaction. This is why I use debit gift cards, cause they have a set limit of money so even if they are hacked the loss is measured instead of limitless like that of an open credit card. Anyway… after receiving it he closed off all invitations and deleted me off his buddy list. Obvious because I knew another buddy on his buddy list. And…. I got in touch with him only for him to give me an excuse and really close off all connections. I ended up following him using the convenient stalker feature ./find only to find him acting like a snobbish @sshole in a stupid mesoranger outfit. Damn, i should have taken a screen – pic. Srry peoplz. He hit on some girls and then said, “I was once like you guys once.” Then I replied, “So you were normal and know you are a scammer right? Or maybe you’re just bull!@#$ing and you were a scammer from the start,” he said, “what,” an ran away like crazy. Here’s his name, “new3ra,” his hair is either metrosexual or in a blue mesoranger suit.

Do what you want. Flame me, flame him, or anything. I’m just pissed at myself for being a retard. So… watch out for him. laterz. Also, don’t trust some1 just cause you ahve their i.d. and p.w. Sigh. Make sure you have their telephone number so you can call their parents about their lovely son in their household.

Hey New3ra, if you read this, **** you. I’m not gonna do anything stupid like report you or anything cause it really is my stupidity at fault. But I don’t want other people to be scammed by you. So just stay the **** away from Ludi and stay in friggin Victoria island cause ill probably find some way to kill you from my computer screen. And next time, have a conversation with the person who you just scammed instead of running away shouting “what.” Seriously, stick your cigars up your ****ing ass you bitch.

Sorry for the language. Only $20. Love, ColdSummers.
Btw: sorry for the language. I’m just sad. Thanks for all of you reading. You all make Maple Story great. And new3ra if i do find an address im taking my dad’s Lynton 1992 semi automatic and coming to your house to kill your gay meso – ranger hide. laterz.

9 thoughts on “How To Get Scammed (True Story)”

  1. Okay, first of all, I’m 11 years old. I think I’m pretty trustworthy. As said with different races, such as warrior, mages, and so on, not all youngings are untrustworthy, Many of my MS friends are good people. Don’t judge everyone just by one person. I feel really mad at the person. I like that semi automatic part .


  2. I really hate people, I dont know how someone can scam $20 from someone that worked hard for it people suck

  3. That guy is like gonna get banned someday and hopefully soon, if I had a lot of money in my allowance I’d give u 20$ from my allowance but my apretns cut off my allowance sadly!

  4. dooood iv pqed wif new3ra b4 hes kinda a butthole but hes a good leader, he has ac and hes rich off scamming noobs and stuff. NO1 SHOULD TRUST NEW3RA HE SUCKS AND HE SCAMS ALOT OF PEEPOLE DONT EVER TRY TO MAKE CONTACT WIF HIM HE’LL SCAM THE CRAP OUT OF U. that is all good night

  5. some people are retards from birth, using thair lifes to make it a living hell for others, i dont get hackers7scammers, how the hell do they fcuk thair brains enough to do that to other people

    (Dammit, i know i spelled something wrong, o well we cant al be perfect )

  6. Some people are just brought up horribly, and I’m deeply sorry this happened to you. Little kids have no sense of morality, and I hope this punk gets what he deserves later on.

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