All posts by wow

How To Get Scammed (True Story)

Well… the title obvoiusly lends off to the fact that I just got scammed. This is 100% my part because I actually trust 13 – 15 year olds to keep their word when I don’t even know them… just.. stupid.. me. Let me start of by explaining who I am, a person who actually believes little kids have some form of innocence within them. Che, screw that, next time I find a little one playing MS through the window of a house I’m going to run right over them with my Nisan Maxima. Sigh. I didn’t lose that much. $20. meh. It was my money I worked off so I don’t feel bad toward my parents. I just feel like a retarded 17 year old who just got scammed by a person 3 years her junior. read more