Northern Markets Notice

Chapter 59 is pretty much the end of it, but I might put one more down to wrap it up.
I give thanks and appreciation to everybody who read and liked NM
When I started out, I was inspired by some gruesome videos on Youtube of animal treatment
in Korea, China, and other places. The things I saw were extremely brutal, and the comments left by
past viewers shows they were quite upset by what they saw. I was also unsettled by what I saw.
Im not going to describe them to you, just look it up on Youtube, like ‘korean dog market’ or ‘cats in china’ or something like that. At these markets, they are pretty much food stock, and the workers look on them the same ways
as people in the West view pigs, and cows, only with less sadism in mind.
After I saw that stuff, I thought up a story of magic markets where magicians were killed and used for their
magic energy, with the diabolical crap i saw on Youtube. Thats how i came up with the name ‘northern markets’

When I was writing the story, it went off course and pretty much follows Azure in her journey out of
Victoria. I wanted to get to the main idea of the story a hell of a lot sooner, but by the time I got them past
Cold Death Pass, i hit chapter 59. the climax is pretty much them defeating the J.A.
Im gonna continue the story, but its going to start at chapter 60 or something. As for the first
60 chapters or so, I think I will edit and re-name the story and begin posting it again on another
MMO fanfic site.
As i move on, I will try to stay around the main idea i got back in the spring when i started
Northern Markets.
Anyways peace.