LordSaSa and his message To all Maplers

I was looking up resources on MapleSEA slang terms and i picked up this messae written by
a guy who, is really disgusted with the way things have gotten in MapleSEA. i havent seen much in SEA, but everything LordSaSa says pretty much goes for Global MS.

Global MS i have seen:
megaphone wars
mass KSings,
hackers (well duh )
rude hackers
Racist ppl and their comments that would have them charged in some countries. in Canada u could be charged for making a racist comment towards somebody else of the target race.
threats, phone numbers being spammed on megaphones, and various harassments and other BS.

But don’t take my word for it, check it out. Note- its a big read


2 thoughts on “LordSaSa and his message To all Maplers”

  1. Sasa has always been anti-singlish

    He rants on about it everytime he hears someone say it.

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