dexless in MapleSEA…is it bad or good?

I quit Global MS for now- all the pro-legits, ##%@# GMs, hackers who hack everywhere and in places you cant KS and get fast exp off them, and GM’s polciy of banning entire guilds for one hacker. to that i say :what
And thats just in Broa.
I have a char in Scania i see hackers EVERYWHERE even in the noob areas! and the GMs and ppl who buy NX all the time are shouting at eachother thru megas and [notice]s. On top of that every channel is crowded, and everyone is a rude arrogant ass-wipe! I havent even done anything to deserve mistreatment from them. So i dont wanna play GMS anymore because its just getting rediculous.
So i made a new char on MapleSEA in Aquilia whom i hope to be a dexless bandit that can do the sweet damage i’ve seen high level dexless bandits do in Broa during ludi PQ. etc. I saw a pic on this site of a roge, lv 26, shooting stars at orange mushies and getting 500 damage! i wanna do that.
But in MapleSEA i got a bad feeling that dexless isn’t going to work out, idk y…i saw this person who hopes to become a dex FULL bandit. dex full. Last time i checked, dex was a thief’s defence and the luk factors into damage. on top of that training my new guy up (hes a lv 9 beginner right now) he could only hit 3-5 damage on red snails and orange mushies while others hit 7-8 dmg. My stats are int 4, str 4, dex 25, minimum needed to be thief, luk 30 something.

So, is dexless the opposite of what it is in MapleSEA than GMS? is a dexless thief totally weaker than a regular thief in SEA than GMS?
is a dexfull thief the same in SEA as a dexLess thief in GMS?
plz tell me i dont want to waste good time on a char whos going to turn out lousy.

O ya im on Aquilia, name is woifboy183 (yes with an ‘i’ instead of an ‘L’)

o and silverfx can u copy and edit one of my northern markets chapters and send it back to me?
i need help with the grammar thing o.o please and thank you

3 thoughts on “dexless in MapleSEA…is it bad or good?”

  1. Being a dexless bandit for a first character isn’t very, uh, realistic. It’s gonna be VERY hard coming up with the funds to get good daggers, attack gloves, and dex scrolled equipment (which is even more expensive than the first two).

    Second, being a dexless bandit in SEA might or might not be better than in gMS, since we have different drops than they do, which could influence the quality of equips. One thing for sure though, FULLdex isn’t gonna help you do more damage. It’ll raise your minimum damage somewhat, but your max will be VERY low.

    Third, not only luk, but dex and str are also used to determine your damage. Luk is the main stat used to determine damage, str is used to help determine minimum damage, and dex is used to both determine your max and min damages. Maybe every 5 points of dex= one point of luk in terms of raising your max damage. Every 2 points of str is = to maybe 4 points of dex for minimum damage.

    Really, if you wanna be the best kind of bandit in SEA, it’s best to be a STR bandit, since the STR daggers drop like hotcakes in SEA, and thus have a better chance of being better scrolled.

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