The End…. for now.

Well, to start off. I’m not going to be on maple for 2-4 weeks. I wanted to tell my friends this,
and they wanted to know why.

It started with parties, not bad parties, just get togethers with friends.
But someone knew about these parties, and they started to get mad that they were not invited.

So when we would least expect it, they would vandalize our house, and they would vandalize it ALOT. Soon I figured out who did it, and decided to not do anything. But just yesterday they vandalized our houseworse than they had ever before. They pushed me off the edge, so I did something that I never thoughtI would do. I was gonna get them back, and feel good about it. (Settles down from rage)

Me and my friends went to their house the next night, and we started smashing empty jars, throwing eggs,and covering there house with more toilet paper than those dumb “Charmin toilet paper” comercials. Revenge felt good, ooh yes it did! Until we saw the awful red and blue flash. So we had the bad luck, them coppers saw us “getting revenge”. And the revenge feeling didn’t feel so good anymore.

So my parents knew that I liked to play maple, so they knew that grounding me from maple for a month would tourture me. And it sure is gonna tourture me.

You guys are going to think im “badass”. But I usually don’t go this evil, but I just wanted revenge. >

Hopefully I won’t go into a coma from not playing maple. Maybe I can stop myself from going into a coma by going outside and stepping on snails and saying “OMG 3 EXP, LVL UP!!!!@@@@@”

But I learned my lesson: “Don’t egg people unless you’re good at not getting caught”

Well, that’s it for me on maple for a month.

If anyone needs to contact me, my AIM s/n is DudeMar900.

Well that’s all.

P.S. Like this blog so all my friends can see it.

15 thoughts on “The End…. for now.”

  1. 1: no i dont think your badass sorry (ive done sooo much worse than this, 1 time, my neighboor made us marmalade, well i HATE marmalade so i blew his shed up with a home made bomb =/ i got arrested tho =( i was 12 )

  2. Revenge is a dish best eaten cold .

    Two wrongs don’t make a right .

    [OhmiGawshh I just said a bunch of stupid cliches <3]

  3. WizardDude said: “Maybe I can stop myself from going into a coma by going outside and stepping on snails and saying “OMG 3 EXP, LVL UP!@@@@@””

    Been there, done that. *~*

  4. T3chN9ne said: “1: no i dont think your badass sorry (ive done sooo much worse than this, 1 time, my neighboor made us marmalade, well i HATE marmalade so i blew his shed up with a home made bomb =/ i got arrested tho =( i was 12 )”

    You can get arrested when you’re that young? Well, anyways, everyone’s an “evil genius” nowdays that seem to have a prodigious IQ and a black belt in all martial arts. I’m starting to sense that people are full of it. >.>

    ~Cheezy the Child Prodigy, Superhero, All-Mighty, Millionaire, Extremely Sexy, Best Athelete, and Extremely Cunning (yah rightÂ…)


    Ive never done revenge.

    Im afriad my mommy might hurt me.”

    Who is CSI ?


    Whats the point of revenge anyway .

    It justs makes you feel better .

  6. Revenge only creates more revenge, resulting in a neverending cycle of hatred. Only by giving up these primal desires can we achieve peace and prosperity.

    You can quote me on that.

  7. MasterCheeze said: “Revenge only creates more revenge, resulting in a neverending cycle of hatred. Only by giving up these primal desires can we achieve peace and prosperity.

    You can quote me on that.”

    No, you can quote me on that. Seriously now. He said it. I’ll give it back. D:

    lightsage57 said: “Revenge only creates more revenge, resulting in a neverending cycle of hatred. Only by giving up these primal desires can we achieve peace and prosperity.

    You can quote me on that.”


  8. T3chN9ne said: ” 1: no i dont think your badass sorry (ive done sooo much worse than this, 1 time, my neighboor made us marmalade, well i HATE marmalade so i blew his shed up with a home made bomb =/ i got arrested tho =( i was 12 ) “

    Lol, that’s crazy, if it’s even true.

    And I know im not badass, but it felt so evil. >>

  9. Like Annikabelle said, two wrongs don’t make a right. Just get them busted and get them in jail. Don’t sink down to their level and egg their house.

  10. Lol Shatred, that’s what I should of done, but it’s too late now.


  11. So you’re friends have to see it on the front page?

    PM them

    For the most part this isn’t MMO-Related

    Try harder next time, okay?

  12. To the pic: Rip you? Ok.

    The lesson isn’t Dont egg if you’re good at not getting caught,


    Don’t host parties. Other people do that!

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