My unluckyness…

I’ve been having trouble with drop rates, since forever.

I keep on fighting, and fighting, and fighting. Yet I never get any good drops.
Whenever I train, I never get drops. Even when im not trying to get good drops…
Also, im tired of my Panlid, and I don’t wanna waste my mesos buying a Mystic or Esther.

So I look for one… For a long time…


If you have any tips for me, please tell.

Thanks –

7 thoughts on “My unluckyness…”

  1. #1 Pick up all your mesos and etc drops. Sell what you don’t need. I make 20k in 5 minutes like this.
    #2 Train on monsters that drop alot of mesos, and die easy.
    #3 Use the mesos to BUY the sheild.
    Chances are you will NEVER find it yourself. The drop rates are terrible. Think about it, you go into the insanely crowded freemarket, and MAYBE 4 or 5 people have sheilds for sale. That is ALOT of people who DIDN’T find one. You probably fall into the vast majority of people who will NEVER find a Mystic/Ester. Don’t bother trying when it’s faster to save up and buy.

  2. Me Too! I still have my panlid and I’m level 50. But I mean it’s just a extra 2 int, and if your a cleric you don’t need the defence.But since your a fizard just do everything DaMunky said. I used to not pick up my mesos and things like that I was complaining how poor I was. But now since I pick stuff up I have 2.5 mill (still poor but better than before)

  3. AnbuNinja04 said: ” I have 2.5 mill (still poor but better than before)”

    I’m sorry for being off-topic, but why is everyone trying to sound so “pro” by saying they have a few millions of mesos then saying they’re “poor.” Everywhere I go, I see people saying “I have 10 million mesos and I’m so poor!” It doesn’t make you sound any more intelligent or make people think you’re the best!
    Sorry, AnbuNinja for using your post as an example, but it’s really annoying.

  4. Well train at night time all my good drops have been like at night time and normaly on ch 1 or 6 But one other thing is i dont know if cronos still drop the Mystic or Esther sheild anymore since the new drops came out.

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