Very depressed and moody today, so I decided to express my feelings here.
Me. Who am I?
I’m a different person to different people. To some of my friends, I’m an immature kid. To someone else, I might be mature. When I’m around people, I feel like I’m wearing a mask. I never get to show my real self.
Flame me for this, but I am afraid of rejection from my friends, ever since that incident in Gr. 5. I was stupid, I was an idiot. I lost my best friends over some stupid argument. Now, I’m afraid. I act cautious, I go defensive, I hide the real me.
The guy I love hasn’t spoken to me for three years. I spent this whole year trying to forget him. I try insulting him, I try. You guys who said I didn’t like my boyfriend were right. I didn’t. Kevin was always on my mind. I guess I can never forget him
I guess Maple helps me escape from reality. When I log on, I can be who ever I want to. My friends understand me.
Thank you Wizet for making this game.
Seriously, I don’t care about hackers. I don’t care about scammers. I just like to sit back, and have fun on Maple. It’s not like they interfered in my life in anyway. Actually, I hardly even see them. (I play in Windia.) The only hack I’ve seen in Maple with my own two eyes is fly hack.
Sad…I’m going to a new school in September, and never to see my friends again, and him.
Go ahead, flame.
efijuidsjigjiprugpjfn;kjnpjsenn post was short
Aww, I’m sorry :[ I know exactly how you feel x_x Hmm, Try looking on the bright side of switching schools. You can open up and be yourself, cause no one in your new school will know you or expect anything from you.
I know that will never happen, lilian
I’m not the kind who makes friends easily.
Aww Serena.
My sister’s name is Serena.
XD jk. maple help me relax of all my problems. i dont care about hacker or scammmers unless it happens to me or my friends.
I’m glad that you’ve found a paradise, and I’m glad you’ve realized your faults.
Please grow from them.
Don’t hide anymore. Let your friends help you change.
Don’t get hurt.
Good luck, take care
Woah, Indigo’s BAKKK.
@ Kazu: Ur name is Kevin? o.O
Well good luck at your new school I guess, ohh the sadness.
Wait-a-minute, I smell a theater-rama!
I want to think what you’re saying. It’s the exact same situation ppl use drugs.
Billy: I hate school, I can’t be someone who I really am. I can’t have paradise in reality, it’s like as if I’m in a fog: I don’t know where to turn. That’s why I’d like to thank coke for making me escape reality.
Life is short, live it to teh fullest.
coke as in the crack coke.
I understand you. I don’t make friends easily too. Sometimes I feel the same about mask, that I am not who I am pretending to be, but oh well, that’s the life. And if I am in depression, glass of Vodka, and I am ready to laugh again
(go ahead, flame)
I like rum and I’m 13.
Bronislovas, can I have some vodka too?
Hope you feel better.
Always be here for you ^_^ (sort of,don’t get the wrong thoughts)
dont worry about the new school thing,
i went to a school, and only knew 5 people there, and i never talked to them before so it was hard,
Put on a smile, hold out your hand, and say “Hi! My Name is Serena! Whats Yours?”
The Only way to make friends is to be a friend!
It sounds realy lame, i know, but it worked for me
Cheer up!
Dont worry, gujju is here to talk to =)
gujju ♥