A Sad Day For Flyff.

Well, this is gonna be my first blog for Flyff. Too bad it’s a sad/disappointing one.

After being so wrapped up in MapleStory again I haven’t really checked in with Flyff until today. I found out that they put in the big summer update they kept promising us. Unfortunately the most exciting thing that everyone had been waiting for was not there. Or rather, it was there, just not in the way it was said to us.

Everyone’s p*ssed. I mean really really p*ssed about it. I was too, after reading the forums. But now I’m just really sad and disappointed.

What’s going on, you may ask. Well, earlier GalaNet had promised us pets like in the other versions of Flyff. They have some pets being sold by an npc for 5k penya, while some specialised versions are in their cash shop.

Our english Flyff is not going to be like that. They’re all going in the cash shop. That isn’t really fair to us. I feel like they’re discriminating against us because we’re the “english-speaking” version and the servers are based in the USA. However, we have players from all over the world except the Asian countries, since they have their own Flyffs. So it’s not just “Americans” in this game.

I was a huge supporter of the cash shop too, I spent $80 on 4 of my characters. I know of some people who have spent even more than that. I never used to buy anything in any of the games I played, I couldn’t ever justify spending money on pixels. But somehow Flyff won me over. The promise of the clothing sets/cloaks never expiring, for a one-time fee, got me. There’s still games I wouldn’t spend a cent on, but Flyff was an exception.

Now, I’m not going to buy anything else from the cash shop. I don’t like how the company is being. It’s not the GMs’ fault either, Chris tried to lobby for us (as usual) but he got overruled. It really sucks.

I’ve got more to say, I just don’t know how to say it, so I’m going to shut up about it now. I don’t even want to go look at the new stuff in Flyff (which I was previously excited about), I’m that disappointed. Maybe I will some day, but not right now.

Another game I’m disappointed in is Trickster. Since there’s not a seperate blog for this game yet, I’m putting it in this one. It’s been delayed so much, again not their company’s fault but the one that’s hosting them. Why couldn’t they just leave the login system alone? I don’t think everyone is going to play every game on their site, and for the few that do, who is it hurting to create seperate accounts for the games you do want to play? I tried some of the other games Gamengame hosts, and to be honest, they weren’t very good. I got bored of them really quickly. So I’m holding out hope for Trickster.

6 thoughts on “A Sad Day For Flyff.”

  1. I can’t really make up my mind, it’s not fair but in a way it is, I mean it’s thier game right? o_o;

    x.x sucks to be american, again,

  2. Ya, they can basically do whatever they want and we don’t have a say in it, even though most of us are paying customers. They could turn the game into p2p tomorrow, and we’d still not get a say in it.

    But at least they could have prepared us, by telling us “you know, we might make your version have cash shop pets instead of npc pets” instead of letting us think we were getting the same updates as the other versions, and then taking it back.

    I think most people would’ve been fine with the pets being cash shop only, if we hadn’t been told they’d be free in the beginning.

    lol, ya, it does. (>_&lt

  3. It just annoys me that they are taking all of the extras out of the game and putting them in the cash shop. First I noticed was the masks in the fashion shops during Beta, and now the Pets. :[ I don’t know if the servers are really expensive to run and that is all they can do to keep the game free, but it still really pisses me off. I’m just glad to hear the GM’s were pulling for us,

    I’ll still continue to play FlyFF, but i’m never buying cash shop things. :< Most of the stuff I don’t like anyway. They should make a girl set that doesn’t make them look like they forgot their pants.

  4. It’s because they want to make money off of you. The american dollar is probably worth more than the originating country’s currency is. It is technically because you’re american, but it’s because of how much richer you are compared to them that you’re being charged.

  5. flyff i played befor in japan well on my friends he had a darth vader helm and cloak pretty much all darth vader and a hover bike thing not like the one here i fought clockworks as him it was somuch fun and hard XD but yea dissapointing but at least its not pay to play thats why i dont say maple only likes money

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