Kitty’s View
As I sat on the edge of Martin’s bed, I was thinking about Kevin. Did he get my message? Where was he? Is he ok? My thoughts were interrupted when Martin came in.
“My love, I have returned,” he said. He goes down on one knee and says, “As we were lying on the bed, side by side, it passed between us. Some call it fate, but I call it love. Will you marry me?”
I decide to play smart. “If course I will, my fiancé!” I guess I had to, and that seemed like the time to do it, so I pressed my lips against his. I was disgusted by what he was going to do next. He slid his hand all the way down my back and tried to remove…I broke off and backed away.
Me: So sweetie, where is that sinking b*stard, Kevin?
Martin (smirking): I locked him up in a cage and melted the key.
Me: Good job…
Martin: Shall we pay a visit to that idiot?
Me: Sure.
Martin held my hand and I followed him to where he put Kevin, my true love. I just hope that he won’t do anything silly before I told him the truth. When we reached there, I was horrified of how Kevin looked. His body was all bloody and he was on the edge of death.
“Kevin, behold me and my fiancé,” Martin said, “Girls always fall for the stronger one, dweeb. Learn this fact as you die.”
“Kitty…” Kevin said, his voice barely a whisper.
Don’t worry Kevin, I thought, I’ll save you from this misery. As Martin taunted Kevin, I grabbed out my bow and shot him in the heart.
“Cupid’s here,” I said, with a smile playing on my lips. Did that ever feel good.
“Kitty,” he gasped, “I thought…we were…” With that, he fell to the ground.
I grabbed out an arrow and fiddled with the lock. The lock would not give away and I started to panic. With tears flowing freely from my eyes and sweat on my forehead, I said, “Kevin, I’m sorry…so sorry.”
“Before I die…tell me…if you truly love me,” he said with great difficulty.
“Kevin…I love you, with all my heart. I was scared of you after what you did to my brother. So I tried to find someone who could replace you,” I sobbed, “but…I just couldn’t…You were my true love. Please Kevin, don’t die.”
With his last breath, he said, “Kitty, I love you too.” Then, he was gone.
“No. NO!” I said. Suddenly, an idea came to my head. With the last of my paper, I wrote this:
It twirls your heart,
Seeing the one.
Never set eyes
Someone so perfect.
Protecting always,
Our love.
Lives on in me.
In the middle..
Of jealously..fighting.
Times of war.
Death befalls us all,
Passion within
Deepest corner.
My soul.
“Kevin, if you die, then I die too,” I said. Pulling out an arrow, I set my bow so the arrow was ready to launch to me. “Bye Kevin, my true love.”
Pain… then darkness, forever.
Whoa, confusing
Liked it though
Nice, Best work eva Sarah!
~ Wil
nice, i’m the opposite of yomamma q(>.<)p BOOO lol jk
actually can u make another one? I dont want the story to end xDDD
well, actually. i intended this story to be like Romeo and Juliet, and they’re both dead, so I can’t really continue this story.
I’m making a new story, more action, less love.
~windian 4ever
Not bad, but there’s still too much “angst” in most of the stories I read, and angst is VERY hard to pull off without over-exagerrating. Not bad, so I’ll give you a thumbs up.
~Sono, Arch Cookies for All
angst, ?
~windian 4ever
If you’ve heard of teen angst, you’ll understand what I mean. Or, I can direct you here,
~Sono-Angsty Arch Cookie of North America -emos-
nice job finishing up but the suiciding uhhh-_- not necessary xD
Sorry for the double post but, WRITE THE NEW SERIES QUICK lol
um, ok~
OMG, ROMEO AND JULIET! >_>, so sad.!
wow you’re so passionate