Never, Never-part 1

Part 1


You have done well, my clever friend, the Grand Master thought, but the time has come for you to do great things. To conquer…

Part 1

With my magnificent Dark Ritual, I set out to kick some Jr. Balrog butt. The wind started blowing, so I got out my cape. Deeper and deeper I went, headed straight to the Sanctuary. Since those babys hardly ever so up, I rushed to kill at least one of those today. After I arrived, I was horrified to find a Lvl 50 hunter had already started killing MY Jr. Balrog with his puny Olympus.

“Bust off, noob,” I said, “Let the master show you what fighting really is.” I pushed the hunter over and eliminated the monster with one shot of my fire arrow.
“That was mine,” he said.
I smirked. “You would have died if I wasn’t here to save you.”

“Leave my brother alone!” I turned around. Great, now a girl shows up. She was an archer too, but of the crossbowman class. I took no notice of her.

I looted all the drops from the Balrog as the archer siblings watched in horror. Let them watch, I thought. After collecting all the items, I tossed a Return Scroll up in the air and said, “So long, suckers!”

The swirling magic carried me back to Orbis. With my head still spinning from teleporting, I went to my house. That jerk from the Sanctuary, what was he thinking, stealing my Balrog? What was that girl’s problem? With these questions haunting my mind, I fell into a very disturbed sleep.

“The other cities are yet to be conquered by you, my friend,” the stranger said, “You alone have the power to rule over the troops. The power lies within you. Search for it, and you will become the most powerful person in the world.

The overwhelming power…new skills never learned before…the class never achieved…

The world was in my hands!

I woke up, with sweat on my pillow and bed sheets. Man, that dream was spooky. Looking out the window, the day was just beginning, which means I have to brush my teeth. After all my morning chores were done, I grabbed my Ritual off the floor and headed out to really fight a Jr. Balrog today.

As I was walking, this noobish boy went up to me and asked if I could buy his potion for him because he needed money to head back to Ellina. Since that guy was really noobish, I decided to buy the pot from him. Hey, when did potions ever harm anyone?

Sheesh…how wrong I was.

15 thoughts on “Never, Never-part 1”

  1. u double posted.


    ps: if u go on ms, tell the other guild members that the jrs. r in charger for now cuz my comp is down.

  2. :O OOOh! I like it! =D

    Hee hee, sounds interesting. Is the main character supposed to be the strongest mage in the world? = It leans towards that way, so it feels unoriginal, but I LOVE that cliffhanger! D=

    I want more =3

  3. I fail to understand the title. Maybe because I just tried to re-formulate a rigorous proof for the fact that 6th degree polynomials have no degree lowering formula. Or maybe I’m just plain stupid. Or maybe it’s on account of my anomaly. Anyhow, I fail to understand the title.

    A little bit on the short side, length never hurt anyone.

    The description isn’t bad and I guess the plot isn’t too bad either.


  4. blitzblits said: “I fail to understand the title. Maybe because I just tried to re-formulate a rigorous proof for the fact that 6th degree polynomials have no degree lowering formula. Or maybe I’m just plain stupid. Or maybe it’s on account of my anomaly. Anyhow, I fail to understand the title.

    A little bit on the short side, length never hurt anyone.

    The description isn’t bad and I guess the plot isn’t too bad either.


    Chapter 1, blitz. I wouldn’t try looking for the meaning behind the title just yet. -.-

  5. Nice stuff. LOL the guy has a dark ritual and stuff and is probably like a kick a** mage. Yet, he still has to do his chores. Nice.

  6. Relatively good; the plot is a bit typical, but the fact that your main character appears to be evil makes it less typical. 6/10, but it looks like it will get better.

  7. muhahaha, the main char. in stories have to be evil sometime. hehe

    ~windian 4ever
    Status: pqing

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